Mini car with 4 hub motors

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Shivasharma   1 µW

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Mini car with 4 hub motors

Post by Shivasharma » Feb 04 2023 7:03am

I bought 4 hub motors saying that I wanted it for a 400w bike but they are rated for 250-3100w. They are non gear and can put out 12nm. I was thinking of 60-72v controller and batteries. I have gotten the 14 inch wheel versions. I'm planning to most likely push out the axles and try to push in spindles that are welded to steering knuckles for go karts. I was going to install 4x4 knuckles on front and back if I can't put them on the go kart knuckles. It would make it a lot easier for cost and installation. I'm trying to figure out how to build the frame that would be safe yet light as possible. To be honest I want to try to build something I can drive on the street. I want to make it like an f1 with fenders on it with the roof able to open to enter and exit. Like the delage d12. I got 4 bike kits with the upgraded controllers that can be programmed. I'm trying to figure out how to get the controllers to work together with one twist throttle. I'm going to cut the handlebars and invert them so left side is reversed handle to steer and the right has the throttle and display like a scooter. I got 72v 200ah ups batteries that have a small amps output it I've confirmed the cells are automotive grade so can put out high watts and amps so will change the bms in them. I got 4 for 400$. The e scooter kits with frame, controllers, lights, , motors, and plastic body was 400$. I paid 50 extra for the upgraded controllers. Now I'm thinking of getting a go kart frame from Walmart or princess auto for around $250. I'm also wondering if it would be better to try to build an aluminum frame but don't know if it would be worth it for safety and price. I thought I could turn the forks into suspension arms and all I'd need is the steering knuckles. Other option is to drill holes into bars to put the hubs through and connect to upper and lower arms I will use scooter forks for. I thought about why people don't use 12-24v batteries with step up or inverter to use at higher voltage. Good batteries will still give off enough amps for like 96v controller can use to power motor. Anyway I need to figure out how to connect the controllers to be controlled by the same throttle. I wanted to buy a belt Ed printer to build the body out of carbon fiber petg or plastic or aluminum. Other option is to build body by bending and weld aluminum or glue plastic or fiberglass one together. I have lots of ideas but never done anything like this so would appreciate some advise. It seems like I got a great price for everything and I can build something that might get to 80kmh but everyone I talk to says I could never build a mini car. Am I dreaming or missing something in my planning? I figured the wheel fenders are basically boxes with wheel cutouts. They connect to a cylinder. Then the bumpers are attached to it and then I make the windshield and roof. The windshield and roof will most likely be the hard thing. After that I can install whatever I want like windshield wipers, ac/heater, radio. The reverse handlebars would allow the cabin to be open so it is easy to get in and out. I wouldn't need to use pedals for braking either. I think it would look like a fighter jet cockpit. They would allow one passenger airbag to be attached in the dash to the seatbelt so when the seatbelt gets pulled the airbag would go off.
delage-d12-mid-poly-01.jpg (87.51 KiB) Viewed 4517 times

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