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What got you into ebikes/EVs?


10 MW
Sep 13, 2009
Austin TX
I somehow came across this guy's ebike build, about 3 years ago I believe.


How did you get started?
Heard about them 2-3 years ago.. that's back in the day where there were a lot of brushed motors and crappy batteries running around.

I wanted a light setup that didn't have any motor drag while pedaling... well, apparently such a thing didn't exist back then, so i gave up on the entire idea.

A few months ago i see some post about a guy using off the shelf dewalt batteries and a geared hub motor. Then i jumped on this forum and started reading for months ( there is a LOT to sort out )... now here i am.. i got an ebike wheel spinning via a throttle and i'm super stoked.
i was always into gas-powered things. i never thought of much of electricity of being a viable form of power. it was until i saw a link to doctorbass' video of him on his record-breaking run on his bike on another forum im on. then i knew that electrics had potential, so i started doing my research. all the research i did brought me here and thats when i built my first ebike, which was about last year. i think its safe to say that i enjoy this hobby, except for the hole that its put in my pockets... :)
I decided to try some ebikes first to learn a lot before trying an electric car, because I see electrics as the future, since it's now 2010 and I still don't have the atomic Jetsons type vehicle I was essentially promised as a kid. When my first ebike attempt zipped me around faster than traffic, I was hooked because I detest traffic in a car. It's such an absolute waste of my time. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved driving, but the sole upside to heavy traffic is listening to music. The closest thing to the sense of freedom I get with my electric bikes was cruising around in my Jeep Wrangle sans top, but even it sucked wind in heavy traffic.
I had my 17-year-old set-up to attend the local community college for a 2-year accounting associates degree (we couldnt afford the dorm and cafeteria pass for an away college), and he got 3 speeding tickets in one month. He lost his license for a year. He couldn't bear the thought of attending college (with all its dating opportunities) just 5 miles away without a car.

So...I read-up of gasoline conversions as an option (Staton, etc) which led me to Eric Peltzers site, then VisforVoltage (mostly E-scooters). Fechter said I would get more info on the type of questions I was asking over here at ES.

PS, My son joined the Army as an accountant without asking anyone for any advice. One year in Korea, and one year in Iraq, he's back now, and out of the Army, which is why I am living next to Ft Riley, in central Kansas.
I got old (older) and my knees just couldn't do it alone anymore so I built my first ebike about 3 years ago. Now I'm not just old but old and fat too. So Ebiking came to the rescue.....LOL
THe full story is laid out on my Electricleâ„¢ project blog, a few days over three years ago for the first post.

But basically my knees have been wearing out (well, all of me), summers feel hotter and I get tired easier, and I really just needed some help riding, especially with groceries/cargo. Especially since I had been trying to depend less and less on friends with cars/trucks, as they were typically less and less available to help as they have married or moved, or changed/added jobs, and as the economy has gotten worse.

So I started working out ways to add some sort of assist to the bike, preferably out of "junk", both for cost and "greenness", if you want to call it that, and for the challenge. Of course, I had almost no idea what I was doing then, and I didnt' even know how to properly maintain a bike, despite decades of riding them. :roll: I learned an awful lot really fast, out of necessity, but I don't even remember a lot of that stuff. (re-reading blog entries sometimes makes me go "huh!?")

Somewhere along the way I found Visforvoltage and EndlessSphere, and lost both of them, too, then refound ES middle of last year; and here I still am (having learned more in that time than in all the previous time--I guess it's exponential?). :)
I got into electric when I got into ham radio in 98'. Also about the same time at work they started to replace some of the gas scooters with electric. Gem mostly.Then another vendor brought a couple out and one was just a rollcage and electrics. I remember our manager driving up and stopping and then he took off roasting the tires and I think that did it. I wanted one. Then I found vis for voltage and then ES and then a brushed cruiser for 50 bucks, as they say "the rest is history" :D
15 or so years ago I was in the backyard doing some project, I forget what. I had to move my old 10 speed to get at something and I laid it on the ground which started the front wheel spinning.
I had my cordless drill in my hand and it had it's bit holder in it and I wondered how fast the bit holder would turn the wheel. I put the bit holder to the wheel and watched it spin for a minute or so...

I put the project I was doing on hold and went to the shed to get the bike pump. Pumped up the 10 speed's tires, put the cordless in low, got on the bike and pushed the bit holder onto the front tire, hit the trigger and bounced around the yard a few times at somewhere between a crawl and a brisk walk.
That moment was burned in my brain and every time I looked at that 10 speed I'd think about that friction drive but never did anything about it.

A few Currie bikes and scooters, a hub motor, and a push trailer later and I'm now thinking friction drive once again :?
The " Wind " made me do it. :wink:

Life long cyclist and big fan of 2 wheeled motorized things, comming home one afternoon after a long day's work. pedaling like mad to make walking speed against fierce winds..... got to thinking " there has to be a better way " .. hit up google.. found the original Vis4v forum ( the 1st one from Ken T. before he went mia ) and whatdayaknow people are electrocuting themselves with bicycles !!! .. woot !.. instant hook !
Maybe 3 years ago I read a review of BionX in a local magazine and then I recognized, that I want an electric bike :D! The BionX was and still is quite expensive, therefore I started to look for alternatives and found this forum and eventually last year I selected components for my first build and I am really happy, that knowledge from this forum helped me to avoid mistakes I would have done, when I would made decisions on my own.
4 buck gas, and the purchase price of a prius. Got to thinking about converting a car, then thinking about converting a motorcycle, and then could actually afford converting a bike. :mrgreen: Now I'm permanently hooked. Fun, and since I pedal, still healthy for me too.
Ive always been a cycler and a car driver in that order, and had a fair share of motorbikes, had to give an electric motor a go, biking is the best form of local transport and the E makes it better
Commonly people fleeing a natural disaster in this country are also faced with the extra burden of paying outrageous gas prices. This shows to me that the people we buy one of our largest commodities from care nothing for us :twisted: .
The spark for me was during Katrina I was on vacation. Had to cut it short because of gas prices. Then I thought of all the refugees that weren't on vacation. Still makes me mad.
Since then I sold my cars and haven't bought gas since Jan. of this year. I do occasionally buy gas for other peoples vehicles if I absolutely have to but most of my friends understand my conviction and work with me.
So that and my absolute life long addiction to two-wheeled high speed vehicles is what got me into electric bikes.
Long Live the Electric Revolution and Endless Sphere....
As a long time cyclist, I always yearned for a motor on my bike, when I'm out far from home with 60 miles in my legs feeling trashed. I actually imagined I had a motor in my BB, when I had my first bike around 5, 6 years old.

It just makes a lot of sense to have electric when it comes to transport/commuting. Negates the "too much work, get sweaty, too far" excuses.
My story is too long for this thread, so I wrote it up as a separate page should anyone like to read it. :)

Enjoy, KF
I had a caddilac and a r6 and then got a dui. i hadent rode a bike in awile but started riding my girlfriends nice mountain bike to work. I live on the beach and the wind is tuff. I had to sell my r6 to pay the 13,000 it cost me for the dui
well that bike got stolen. I liked riding now but I have bad bones. I bought bikes for the hole family. well mine got stolen again. yea I know it was in the cape which we call crack canaveral. I dont smoke crack was just at a bar. then I bought a caddilac bike to kind off match my car pluss I love the bike. then while looking for a motor wich I did not like the gas ones i came across ES and have been on every day since. I love all the info on here. well I have my lic back but drive the bike alot more enless i have to take the kids around you can go every where in cocoa beach by bike all bike paths. sorry trying to type on swype keyboard on smart phone. thanks for all the info you geniuses right about every day I have learned alot.