Recent content by argggh

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    Motoped anyone ?

    How is something that heavy and large a "survival bike"? Seems to me a survival bike would be something lightweight and portable with as few parts as possible you could carry with you in the woods and over rocky terrain when not on a smooth path.
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    Starting to get pissed at the bike situation

    Yea, I kind of knew that but didn't want to admit it. For me, speed is not essential (and if it is, again, incorporating the modern instead of looking back, most any bike today can be fitted with an electric motor, as my Speed P8 is) but I suppose if you really want to cover some distance fast...
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    Starting to get pissed at the bike situation

    LOL...I somehow find this post hilarious. It reminds me of the disgruntled mechanic from Seinfeld. One day of browsing online and, you'll be happy to know, I'm already over large, lumbering fixies. It dawned on me you can get the same minimalistic elegance and class of a large fixie in a...
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    Starting to get pissed at the bike situation

    Thank you. I mean, is a hi ten steel frame bike really just going to break on someone from just casual riding? The way some forum members talk it sounds like all these millions of bikes made with hi ten steel are un-ridable, all a complete waste of resources and would melt like butter under your...
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    Starting to get pissed at the bike situation

    Although it's not necessarily the bicycle community's fault (I'm not pissed at anyone, just in general at the situation), I noticed a trend I find frustrating. I was browsing Google searching for advice on affordable fixies and each time I landed in a forum thread where the OP was looking for...
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    New 20" Shwalbe Marathon tires question

    Just received them today. I never ordered tires over the internet before. Should these things be a little bent out of shape? They look a little crushed like they were laying under boxes or something. Is this going to be a problem? Do they reshape themselves when they are put on? Thanks. Here...
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    Google Maps Setting Route Manually?

    I figured it out but, man, was that a headache. There were two trailing destination points (white circles) that I needed to manipulate forward. These control the auto movement of the previous parts of the route. They act like hinges for where the route will auto adjust as you move the leading...
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    Google Maps Setting Route Manually?

    hmm..thanks…i tried zooming in all the way then dragging the line forward but it still changes the route if try to go forward.
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    Google Maps Setting Route Manually?

    I'm in the middle of plotting a route in Google Maps. I'm plotting using the blue line that traces your route. I drag the end of the line forward depending on down which road I want to travel. The problem I'm having is when I get to a certain point and drag the end of the line forward, some of...
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    Trying to plot an all sidewalk/bike path route in NJ

    I agree sidewalks in a neighborhood setting with rows of driveways and trees can be extremely problematic. Luckily, the sidewalks I mostly will be dealing with are outside neighborhoods along major roadways, primarily used for walking, with not a lot of people using them, and with no connection...
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    Trying to plot an all sidewalk/bike path route in NJ

    Yes, they can be. However, as I mentioned previously, I am not interested in speed for this route but avoidance of cars. If a car is coming up on you very close and very fast, the driver is usually in control of your fate, which I hate. But if I see a pedestrian or a rough spot coming toward me...
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    Trying to plot an all sidewalk/bike path route in NJ

    I think this is actually going to work! Thanks, edcastrovalley! Last night, before I called it a night, I took one last stab at this, and I too settled on the Georgetown Franklin Turnpike! I followed the route in street view and sure enough, the vast part of it all the way up to...
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    Trying to plot an all sidewalk/bike path route in NJ

    Been at this all day. Starting from John Hall rd. I've plotted a route using google maps street view to Griggstown Canoe & Kayak Rentals 1076 Canal Rd Princeton, NJ 08540 with minimal vehicle interaction. If there's no sidewalk or bike path I've usually found a road not used a lot I will feel...
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    Should pedestrians be permitted on bike paths?

    Maybe but how often do you see a horse rider? Even in an equestrian town where I am right now, I rarely see a horse and rider on the road.
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    Anyone try to put a Physis 3D on a Dahon yet?

    It's supposed to be a superior handle post stem made by Tern. Tern is a cousin of Dahon and I'm wondering if their handle posts will fit on my Dahon. While by no means a trend, I have seen several threads online about Dahon handle posts cracking or even breaking off while riding. I'm probably...