Recent content by cboy

  1. C

    Electric chopper trike build journal

    I'll probably post a short build journal of the gasser go kart on my web site and also do an Instructable for it. A couple of those photos could mistakenly get posted up here. :roll:
  2. C

    Electric chopper trike build journal

    Thanks a heap SlowCo. Sounds like a great option to try out. And I would have never thought of it on my own. Just another tribute to sites like E-S that allow us all to become a little smarter just by just listening to one another. One added benefit to this potential solution is that the...
  3. C

    Electric chopper trike build journal

    The only tinkering I'm still not completely satisfied with is the front suspension. The rear seems fine to me...little if any body roll (although I'm not doing any dare-devil cornering) and the progressive coil over shocks take bumps and potholes with ease. The front fork, however, is a...
  4. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    Short update on tinkering. I took the CA3 out of the picture by setting Up-Rate and Fast-Rate both at 99Volts/second. I did a short test run with the Kelly TPS Forward MAP at the default setting of 30. This produced improved smooth and solid acceleration but still nothing earth shattering...
  5. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    All very helpful advice. I think I'll start by taking the CA3 out of the picture (setting 99v/s) and then work backwards from there with the controllers and then put the CA3 back into play if necessary.
  6. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    I tinkered a bit with the CA3 Up Rate, Fast Rate and Fast Threshold. I set them at the high end of the "typical" or "recommended" settings... Up Rate=3, Fast Rate = 8 and Fast Thrsh =2. This did seem to improve acceleration...although not radically. And no negative effects like twitchy...
  7. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    I think those Kelly and CA3 settings will be next on the list to see if I can get a little more acceleration at get-a-ways. It's the old drag racer's lament. There's never enough torque until you break the tires...if you break the tires, install wider and stickier ones...there's never enough...
  8. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    Round #1 test In each controller program I made these changes: Changed battery limit to 100% (previously was 50%) Change Phase Current limit to 47% (previously was 100%) On CA3 Changed P-lim to 150 amps (previously was 300 amps) Road testing did seem to have a little more...
  9. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    I also want to revisit this part of your thinking and maybe tinker a bit on this front now that we have a decent baseline configuration which seems to be working. Would I be correct from reading this that I might actually be able to improve performance by limiting the percentage of phase...
  10. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    The 12 volt system is now functioning with everything but the forward/reverse switch operating on battery power. I also did not ground the LED on that switch for fear the current draw might mess up the controller again. Did some road testing with pretty good results except for the very...
  11. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    Another interesting tidbit to add to pile of questions. I have everything now off the 12V controller supply pin and all the switches and relay coils are now powered with the 12V aux. battery, including the forward/reverse switch. But when I tried to test this configuration the motors...
  12. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    You are a very good teacher of things I don't mind "long". Helps me to understand and diagnose not only this issue but future issues and future projects. Makes huge sense. It explains why just a bit of misplaced wiring can have a massive impact on performance. I see this...
  13. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    Having thought about this overnight, possibly, early on, there were multiple problems going on. One sort of masking or overcoming another. When the "torque" issue was improved the "current stealing" by the switches/relays showed its face. And that might explain why the problem shifted from...
  14. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    I guess I was a little slow on the uptake. Do I understand correctly that you are now suggesting that the problem does not lie on the grounding side of the circuit at all but rather on the power side of the circuit...that there is too much stuff running off the 12V supply pin provided on the...
  15. C

    2WD trike pulling left when accelerating

    Just to clarify, the coil side of each relay is powered by the controller. And during these most recent test runs, NONE of the switches were turned on except for the forward/reverse switch which does not power a relay. The forward/reverse switch is shown in Kelly wiring diagrams as being...