Recent content by MCC

  1. M

    Limiting power down to legal levels

    here I describe a setup to limit power/speed of a BBS motor using bluetooth or a hall switch, should work with BBSHD as well as programming is the same as the BBS02:
  2. M

    BAFANG BBSxx change settings on the fly (aka 'cop button') and BBSxx communication protocol

    In order to better understand the BBS communication protocol, I started with simply forwarding all traffic between Display and controller and monitor this traffic using the HC05 bluetooth module (monitoring this with a terminal client). This resulted in logs like: 21145-Display says: 11 20...
  3. M

    BAFANG BBSxx change settings on the fly (aka 'cop button') and BBSxx communication protocol

    The Arduino code: /* BAFANG BBSxx change settings on the fly (aka 'cop button') and BBSxx communication protocol Refer to this topic on for more information: */ //Commands for BBS...
  4. M

    BAFANG BBSxx change settings on the fly (aka 'cop button') and BBSxx communication protocol

    A few weeks ago I have bought a 500W 48V (DPC-18 Display) BBS02B kit to make my daily commute (15km one direction) a little bit easier. I'm very happy with the kit, already cycled more than 700 km's in a few weeks. The thing is, this set is not entirely legal in the Netherlands. So I wanted to...