Recent content by Wile E. Coyote

  1. Wile E. Coyote

    Seattle bicyclists shot with darts!
  2. Wile E. Coyote

    Books Worth Reading !

    The Art of Electronics by Horowitz(yes, the SETI guy)/Hill A good mix of theory and real world application, Used by many colleges.
  3. Wile E. Coyote

    Getting Off the Grid

    Getting off the grid without giving up Netflix (and other modern convinces)
  4. Wile E. Coyote

    how long do gears in a brushless geared hub motor??

    It will stall at about 20% grade. I usually back off the throttle and pedal a bit more to keep the motor/gears happy. I have one of the original 7-speed compatible rear BMC's, which I believe uses nylon gears.
  5. Wile E. Coyote

    how long do gears in a brushless geared hub motor??

    I've been running an overvolted 400W "V1" BMC 3-4 days a week for 2 years now without any sign of worn gears. My commute is about 7 miles with about 1000ft elevation gain. I pedal off stops and NEVER stall the motor on hills.
  6. Wile E. Coyote

    Peugeot - E-Speriment!!!

  7. Wile E. Coyote

    Seattle Bikepath Muggings

    I appreciate everyone's comments and inputs. I agree that it's not worth getting in a fight and risking physical harm to protect my wallet and e-bike. I also agree that a gun is too great a liability risky in the liberal city of Seattle. I'm not anti-gun, I used to have a 9mm for personal...
  8. Wile E. Coyote

    Is wind resistance really that important on an Ebike?

    ...getting back to the riding position topic,,,, Another VERY important factor is that an upright position is better for, er,,um,,, "Man issues". *EDIT* WOW! I had no idea there is so much controversy about this. I'm not much into cycling outside of my e-bike. My experience has been that the...
  9. Wile E. Coyote

    Seattle Bikepath Muggings

    Me and my e-bike are in the local news, but not part of a happy story. That's me whizzing by at the beginning of the daylight segment of the story. Question: 1) What should the well-armed e-biker carry for weaponry? 2) Should I practice...
  10. Wile E. Coyote

    Why are BMS (battery management) important?

    I agree with dogman, the ezee is a pretty good bargain. Morph999 seems to be in the same situation I was a couple years ago when I built my first e-bike. I was a noob and did not want to spend much money on something I was not sure would work. I bought a Crystalyte DC motor and wound up...
  11. Wile E. Coyote

    ezee or 9 continents for touring?

    Totally agree, Takes more self-disciple than I am capable of! I've found the noise form eZee/BMC (same internals) to be quite tolerable. It actually gets quieter as the motor breaks in. It's barely noticeable in traffic. For my purposes, the lighter weight, better hill climbing, and...
  12. Wile E. Coyote

    The Perfect Kickstand... Ideas?

    I got it off ebay. I think it came from crow cycles in San Diego.
  13. Wile E. Coyote

    The Perfect Kickstand... Ideas?

    One of these seems to be a common solution, but I don't recommend it. The rubber feet fell of in the first couple weeks and the weld broke within 6 months. Maybe I got one made on a Friday. So far I'm having better luck with one of these, it also weighs less.
  14. Wile E. Coyote

    Full suspension v.s. Hardtail

    Snowcrow, You can have my old S-60 frame FREE if you're willing to pay for shipping.
  15. Wile E. Coyote

    Full suspension v.s. Hardtail

    I had a cheap discount store full suspension bike, a Schwinn S-60 from Target. I spent way too much time servicing/replacing the cheap components, and it still never felt solid or rode straight. It was also too small for me. Discount store bikes only come in one size. I recommend staying...