Search results

  1. Erogo

    Excel friction drive prototyping tool

    I've made a spreadsheet up that does various figuring out for friction drives. It calculates the force required between the roller (motor can) and the wheel, under different accelerations, rider weights, gradients etc. It estimates what the actual RPM of the motor will be, given the kv and the...
  2. Erogo

    How cr4ppy?

    Wondering: "How crappy can an e-scooter get?" The LBS has one new for 250 of our local dollars. That's about, what, US$180 or something? It's 48v, can only assume PbH+, and is probably compliant with NZ law on electric bicycles, which I can't remember (don;t care) whether it's 300w max or...
  3. Erogo

    HobbyKing SK3s They claim to have them at hobbyking HQ, and just need to list them on website for sale. Gents, to the piggybanks!
  4. Erogo

    Peak Motor

    World motor shortage Rooters Analysts announced last week (New Zealand time) the shock identification of June 2011 as "Peak Motor". Global demand for brushless motors has surpassed total theoretical supply capability, leading inevitably to uncontrolled price increases, and widespread...
  5. Erogo

    The Brevette "Winchini": a push baby-trailer

    Man, sometimes I wish I had more skills. And forethought. Skills and forethought. Like last night, when I hit the go button, and everything flew apart. Stink. So I've been building up this drive for our baby trailer. We've got a real steep driveway, and when the mama gets home with the...
  6. Erogo

    Outrunner: stationary shaft?

    Hello, I have a question because I don't know. I searched with "outrunner shaft" and got the 207 posts, but they didn't seem to answer this question: When I heard about outrunners, I thought it would mean that the shaft didn't turn, as it does on inrunners. Imagine my amazement when I bought...
  7. Erogo

    Sacrificial current limiter

    Hi, I have a question. With the cheap RC controllers there's a risk of losing them if attempting to start from a standstill, or if the vehicle is stalled. While the price of these controllers has been compared to that of a fuse, it is still somewhat higher, and arguably worth saving. The...
  8. Erogo

    Harnessing the internal resistance

    Hello, I have a question. Apologies if this has been done to death elsewhere, I found some similar discussion but nothing exactly this... I was thinking about the current limiters that various folks have built up, and how over-current is a bit of an issue with RC controllers if something...