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    More KT LCD8H display problems

    My experiences with the KT LCD8H are bad. The first issue started when regen brake on a mountain. The new display couldn't manage the brake energy/voltage and broke down. Black screen. New display with LCD3. No problems anymore. Second issue with another ebike. The display LCD8H didn't react on...
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    Grace One Plus

    Modest airflow through controllerbox. In the bottom front side is a large hole for wires. In de back side there are 2 more holes for airflow. My experience is that a current of 30 - 40 Amps doesnt need a extra airflow
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    Grace One Plus

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    Grace One Plus

    To put 130 cells in the 3 tubes was a hell of a job. I'll never do it again. My next ebike will get a triangle battery again.
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    Grace One Plus

    Yes, the fenders were there. The relais are in the new controllerbox. simple to exchange when necessairy. I didn't put anything but the BMS in the old controllerbox. The old controllerbox is inconvenient. So I separated the battery+BMS and the rest of the electronics. My experience is that the...
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    Grace One Plus

    Last year I bought an old Grace One with a dead battery and dead controller. A Grace dealer said that the price for a new battery and controller is approximitely 1300 euro (!) For me the reason to modify the Grace One electrical design without modifying the mechanical and esthetical design. A...
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    Adappto controller and throttle with potentiometer

    The endless Sphere forum is a jungle for me. So maybe my problem is already solved somewhere. I like to combine a Adappto controller mini-e with a Domino twist-grip throttle with a potentiometer.(see The potentiometer from Domino is 5 kohm. The documentation of Adappto...
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    specs and controller for toprun motor

    The picture from ReSoNaNCe is working quite well. I modified a toprun hubmotor like the picture said. The motor is 200 Watt. I use 36 Volt in stead of 24 Volt and I powered up my controller KU63. Now the motor is approximatly 400-500...