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  1. M

    My MountainBoards and longboard projects

    Amazing Build! It's nice to see a board built with a seemingly unlimited budget! Could we get an update on the Mountain Board? Did you make a battery box?
  2. M

    iNsele - honey badger 4x4 eMTB

    First of all; fantastic build! The electrical and gearing details of this board have evidently been clearly thought out; you know what you're doing! Would be interesting to see your motor mounting solution if possible?
  3. M

    Trampa EMB Pro Project

    Gorgeous design. The design consideration is impressive. You're the only other person I've known to actually verify the effectiveness of the mounting solution with FEA, before riding. I would suggest that you look into an aluminium instrument enclosure for your batteries. There are a lot of...
  4. M

    Scrub Psycho II mountainboard build

    Great build, and good luck with the MBS board; would love to see a build thread of that. What app did you use to measure your ride time and speed?
  5. M

    First time build: Heavy mountain board, you so heavy.

    Take a look at the aluminium electronics enclosures available on google shopping and from rs components, I got a nice anodised box for mine. Also, for better weight distribution (and aesthetics) you could move the box to the middle of the board.