Search results

  1. Wile E. Coyote

    Seattle bicyclists shot with darts!
  2. Wile E. Coyote

    Seattle Bikepath Muggings

    Me and my e-bike are in the local news, but not part of a happy story. That's me whizzing by at the beginning of the daylight segment of the story. Question: 1) What should the well-armed e-biker carry for weaponry? 2) Should I practice...
  3. Wile E. Coyote


    My new build on the Seattle/Bremerton Ferry. Round trip vehicle fare = $23.10 Round trip bike fare = $7.70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ daily commute savings = $15.40 (not including gas!) 8) This is my latest build. I've had it with cheap discount store bikes :evil: You get what you pay for...
  4. Wile E. Coyote

    Bike Rain Canopy

    I ran across this interesting accessory at a store near my work. Obviously a bad idea in a windstorm but could be nice for the persistent drizzle here in Seattle. The store is importing them form France and and selling them for $500 US, a bit pricey. Has anyone seen anything similar for less...
  5. Wile E. Coyote

    Seattle-ites: Anyone want a S-60 DSX frame FREE?

    (apologies to those outside Seattle, for not offering you the frame, for Windows Vista, and for Starbucks) It would be immoral to ask any money for this frame, which belongs in a land fill, so I'm giving it away. I figure someone could make some use of it. It's best for someone under 5'10"...
  6. Wile E. Coyote

    Dual Geared Hubs vs. Nemesis Hill (25% grade)

    I'm switching motors around on my bikes again and figured I'd see if dual geared motors could handle my daily 1,000ft hill climb without any pedaling. I ran the dual motor setup on my usual commute to work. It's a hoot! same 34 mph max speed as running a single motor but scary fast...
  7. Wile E. Coyote

    Great conversion bike on sale at REI

    (apologizes to ES members living outside the U.S. who can't shop at REI) I was going to finish this build before posting but I want get the word out while the bike is on sale. The pictures of this bike on REI and K2's websites is not accurate. The bike...
  8. Wile E. Coyote

    eZee vs BMC with C-lyte controller test

    I had the opportunity to do a quick & dirty test with an eZee kit motor and a rear BMC from Texas ebikes. Both running 25A, 66V via a V2 c-lyte controller (not at the same time of course). Very similar performance: - 28mph on level ground (no pedaling) - 16mph up a slight hill at 50% throttle...