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  1. B

    Alternative current

    All right thank you.
  2. B

    Alternative current

    What kind of resistor should I buy? And I have a JBL bluethooth speaker of 7.5w, can I espect my 25w speaker to run a least twice as loud as the JBL one?
  3. B

    Alternative current

    What information do you need to not work blindly?
  4. B

    Alternative current

    In a nutshell I have a 2x50w amplifier, a bass and trebel filter, a 25w 4ohm speaker and two 12w 4ohm speakers. According to you, how should connect those component to have the best sound quality and/or the loudest sound? And should I by other componants to improve the quality/loudness of the...
  5. B

    Alternative current

    I unfortunately do not have an extra 25w speaker. While by the speakers I bought a 25w to release bass the bass frequences and two 12w speakers to release the trebel frequences. I used to connect the two 12w speakers two the "bass filter" (on my scheme) because it also a trebel filter. By doing...
  6. B

    Alternative current

    I have to apologise because I do not understand you quite well. In fact my knowledges in electricty are terribly low and so I kindly ask you to post less sophisticated answers because I often don t know what to do to answer your questions. :/ Here is a little scheme of the circuit. I hope that...
  7. B

    Alternative current

    I don t mean to supply the two speakers with a great power. They are tweeters. It is also not a big deal if the sound is not stereo. Here below is a photo of my work. The big speaker is a 25w one, I added a bass filter to it. The component at the bottom right is a voltage regulator...
  8. B

    Alternative current

    Thank you. I found a way to avoid this problem but I don t know why it is working. I connected the two speakers in series instead of in parallel. I tought that this would make the speakers less vulnerable.
  9. B

    Alternative current

    If this can help, here are the links of the speakers and the amplifier.
  10. B

    Alternative current

    Ya but smth is quite strange. When I rise the volume the amplifier there is a moment when the speakers do like a big "boom" and stop playing music. I believe that this is because they are receiving more than 12w. Have you got an explanation to this?
  11. B

    Alternative current

    Hi How can I mesure the power(max) of an audio signal which I guess is an alternative current? I am asking this because I bought an amplifier of 50w and a speaker of 12w. Eventullay, if I supply the speaker with a power 50w it would be broken but I can regulate the power delivered by the...
  12. B

    BMS problem

    Amberwolf i do not think that my amplifier is causing problems. I ve tried with other componants and the tension still remains low.
  13. B

    BMS problem

    All right thank you for this piece of advice but could you be more specific when you re saying a cell is going too low/ the current is going too high?
  14. B

    BMS problem

    Ok thank you. :D But you really don t have any explanation to the fact that the tension goes down while using the batteries?
  15. B

    BMS problem

    Yes my cells are respectively at 3.58, 3.48, 3.47, 3.45V. I can understand that the bms will not charge the cells any futher because one is already almost too high (3.58v) but why does the bms prevent the cells from discharging when I try to supply my amplifier. Why does the tension goes from...
  16. B

    BMS problem

    This might be because I have unpruposely shortcut the p+ and p- but I don t know if the problem was already there before the shortcut.
  17. B

    BMS problem

    All right thank you so much :) . I unfortunately still have got a problem: when I connect the bms to something that needs a source of energy( in my a case; an amplifier), the tension delivered (which was 14v before I made the connection) goes down to 2.5V. This seems very strange. Have you got...
  18. B

    BMS problem

    They are the ones i m using
  19. B

    BMS problem

    Are those lifepo or lipo batteries? : Samsung INR18650-30Q 3000mAh
  20. B

    BMS problem

    So I should *buy* a new bms?
  21. B

    BMS problem

    So I should by a new bms?
  22. B

    BMS problem

    Here are the photos
  23. B

    BMS problem

    No i didn t used B1,2,3 pins. I thought i could either use those or the big wire with four small ones. With what should I connect B1,2,3?
  24. B

    BMS problem

    I hope it would help you
  25. B

    BMS problem

    The bms is this one : 4S 30A 14.8V Li-ion Lithium 18650 Battery BMS Packs PCB Protection Board Balance. So i ve got one red wire between each group of two cells ( 4 times 2*3.6V in series). A red wire and the B+ wire are connected to one extremety of the series of batteris (the positive one) and...