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  1. pangalactic

    Feedback on 3200W dual drive motor Scooter

    Time is one commodity I simply dont have enough of at the moment. The scoot helps fix that a little, though. It does cut 20 minutes of walking each way...t by at adds up through the week. Yeah, i coulda gotten it cheaper, I know.
  2. pangalactic

    Feedback on 3200W dual drive motor Scooter

    I bought it from a seller in Florida from eBay. Paid way too much, ...but didn't want to deal with customs or a month long wait. 2300 shipped. This one is their only other live...
  3. pangalactic

    Feedback on 3200W dual drive motor Scooter

    One other thing: the seller I bought mine from threw in an extra set of inner tubes and street tires to go with the mounted off-road tires. I was expecting a ton of pain to replace them, but it was remarkably painless. They are split rim, which made the replacement easy. Downside is I can't go...
  4. pangalactic

    Feedback on 3200W dual drive motor Scooter

    First post! ~Woo hoo!~ So I bought one of these monstrosities last month, but the bigger, 5600W variant. I live in Portland, where Lime/Bird/Skips are all over, and I jumped on a few limes, and knew I needed to get one that could actually carry me. First thing: I'm 6'4" and about 325lbs. All...