Search results

  1. C

    UK & EUROPE EV PARTS SUPPLIERS located in Bornem near Antwerp (Belgium) are distributors(/importers ?) of chrystalyte in Europe. Run by father and son, they also competed in the TTXGP 2010 and won one race (in Spain I think).
  2. C

    A123 20AH cells source?

    Hey all ! I contacted A123: "Dear Sir, Madam, For a hobby project I'm very interested in your cells. I know A123 systems does not sell their products to hobbyists. So I went looking for some retailers of your products. I came up with following 2 companies: &...
  3. C

    A123 20AH cells source?

    Hey all, Looks like is having a sales on the 20Ah tabcells (40$) for 12 more days:
  4. C

    Elephant in the room - Quadcopters...

    Mace, These guys are working on it !
  5. C

    First EV Conversion (ATV)

    Hey, You might want to have al look at my conversion. The target specifications resemble your requirements. Because you want more range you have to use a bigger batterypack. If your going for lead-acid, take a powerful motor like mine because you'll need the torque...