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  1. H

    Heads up (warning) and q. About selflearning wire

    Oki i will use PTS-HF Nexans signalwire 4x2x0.6 mm, White as hallsensorwire and 10mm² for phase wires. Leta get started
  2. H

    Heads up (warning) and q. About selflearning wire

    Amberwolf in greatful for your time, thank you. Well its a cheap controller 150$ 72V, 80amp...
  3. H

    Heads up (warning) and q. About selflearning wire

    Hi. I would like to leave a note on a potential dangerous situation with trottle cables. The trottle ground become broke and the non precense of ground results that the controller send the 5v direct to signal and the controller think you hit max trottle and send full avalible power to motor, so...
  4. H

    Controller low Voltage in vcc circuit.

    Thanks. I was planning to use one cable with 7 signal wires for ignition, trottle and speed switch.
  5. H

    Controller low Voltage in vcc circuit.

    Simple question. Im modifying an kinese ebike controller and have a question about the vcc and its function. The controller have an wire to put direct on battery pole plus it goes to vcc and power on the controller this isnt very practical. The question i have is this only an signal to power on...
  6. H

    Controller low Voltage in vcc circuit.

    Ive changed the rectifier but must have damage this one. Because now i se 6.5v go trough rectifier and minus -6.5 go back. So the 7805 is getting 6.5 and leak 1.0V or deliver? So posibly 6.5v comes to 7805 and another -6.5 v should cancel out. And should be =12-13V to regulator 7805 So the it...
  7. H

    Controller low Voltage in vcc circuit.

    Thank you. I think i found one possible problem. There is an Rectifier that dont pass diode test (shorted) with markings M7. I got some to change it.
  8. H

    Controller low Voltage in vcc circuit.

    Is it right to assume the 7805 is The problem? Or capacitorors? Got alot of components with same circuit but 220-5v. The 2.2 uf 100v, and 25/16V 220uf alu electolyt caps caps. I personally think its just set to be low cost. And would maybe be good to use higher quality ones. What is the...
  9. H

    Controller low Voltage in vcc circuit.

    I got an controller 48-80V 80amp 18mosfet drive. I got problem with low voltage circuit. Its a typical switch strepdown circuit. With mje13003 and as78l05 an 2.2uf 100v cap, 1 25v 220uf cap, 1 16v 220 uf cap. The 5v is getting 1.5V. The meashure is done with only battery in and nothing else...
  10. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Haha 😅 then im lost and should maybe not try further. Im on amberwolf trace. But why would fets be damaged and still make performance good? But only to fail when it comes to fast and high current switch, then they should not short to ground to make an restart easy time after time? Without fail...
  11. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Its not fets damage. Its lower resistance do to more copper and better quality and thicker wire. The current peak big at startup to shutdown. The peak hits at startup and when twist trottle fast from low rpm. What the phase show when this peak happens and the shutdown occurs is that phases hits...
  12. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Yes i understand that but the phase and hallsensor wires are as the bike was set original yellow to yellow etc.. match in colour exept ive change to pure 6mm² copper and named then phase A B C instead as it is in controller. But A,B,C equal to same colour as before. And would the motor run...
  13. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    This is an cheap ebike controller for a ev-ultra 2000w bike i dont think there is an regen to charge batteries. Could be wrong? Whats the conclusion? Do I need to provide more information. I can take pics do meachurements with fluke 177. Obviously there is somerhing i miss i had an exact same...
  14. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Not shure at all wild guesses based on a little bit knowledge (to low) and some logic. Im in process to understand the circuit and learn. the trace on thin cap goes from battery minus trough cap to phase and leads back to one mosfet on same phase my conclusion was either this is a small...
  15. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    I got problem with motor and controller. I have to be very carefull on trottle to start rev and keep rev. The motor gets high current and goes bang when starts rotate and shuts down. If you hot trottle very very careful and stops when it starts you can keep rev but to fast trottle twist will...
  16. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Okej i got the motor to react again. Dont ask how. Just disconnect and meachure then connect and meachure etc. And suddenly first trottle rev up 3sek then second trottle gas like this. Is there a sign for possible problem? Now i got it to run. If I take very very...
  17. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Thanks for the reply. Acually, the shuntmod was the first thing i did and use for maybe 50km before more mods as above. I did remove the shuntmod you marked and instead put an extra battery wire on other side of shunts to be able to connect/disc. with battery easy if i perfere more power or more...
  18. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Do i need to desolder all on plus and minus and phases? There are some copper treads from bottom to top. Maybe I offered an easy way to pass these? If so, would someone be kind to tell/show me the path of the current and basic information. My thought with the mods was to get better flow on...
  19. H

    Take a look at this (back emf) seek knowledge (motor shutdown)

    Hello im stuck with this controller, I did some modifikation changed battery wires to 6mm² copperwires, and phase to same with better contacts. I did solder on copper tread 2,5mm² along plus and minus and along mosfet to phase line. I tested on a motor and I got a reaktion on trottle for a...