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  1. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Thanks Russell. I appreciate that explanation. I will just stick to the charger(s) that work for my chemistry. Marty
  2. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Terry, I have it figured out...It is the wire from the charger to the battery. Dog is right - it is very thin and fragile. I noticed the wires were exposed right where they leave the charger - not good. The only way I can see to do is use some electrical tape to try and support it. That...
  3. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Hi Terry, I do have a volt meter and will test tomorrow and send you the results. I'm hoping its the charger. I will be home around 1pm and I'll do it then. Thanks - Marty
  4. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Good gravy - I really need to proof my posts... I meant when I got to work I took the battery off the bike and plugged in the charger. The plug coming out of the battery fits the charger and when I plugged it in there was a green light but no red light to indicate charging. I lightly jiggled...
  5. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    ERROR CORRECTION... Regarding the THU headwind I rode in town so it WASN'T constant...not like slogging out on the open road!!! Sorry about that...important point.
  6. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Dogman - Sounds like a cool trip. I rode Wed/Thu/Fri to work. Depending on what route I take it is 4.08 - 4.57 miles. I made it home in 12 minutes and 33 seconds on Friday. I cleaned all the cables up and the bike is working very well - I'm very pleased with the speed. I rode home Thu into...
  7. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Thanks for the suggestions! The cables are bothering me - I should've cleaned them up first then took the pics(impatient) - I'm going to do that today. I had the schwinn seatpost rack from another bike - honestly it was just easier to install than the rack in the HTB kit. The battery fits in...
  8. M front hub kit w/36V10AH LiFePo4

    23mph on flat ground - no wind, with WOT, 240lb rider + 50-55lb bike. 750watt front hub kit with 36v 10ah LifePo4 battery. $699 shipped.
  9. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit. front hub kit + battery (36V 10AH LiFePo4) Pictures as promised. Bike is complete except for making the throttle wires a little prettier. Got rear-wheel speedo attached today and on flat ground no wind i got 23mph max. I am 240lbs and the bike is just at 55. I average 21mph...
  10. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    An interesting observation: I stopped down at the bike shop and had them help me install the throttle. They used a neat trick where they use pneumatic air pressure to blow the grip off then loosen the brake and shift assembly...I had the guy ride it and he had the biggest smile on his face and...
  11. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    Terry, I figured that was why the andersons weren't connected on the pigtail - to allow flexibility if you already had batteries, length, etc...Unfortunately for me I have never used andersons and was unsure how to put them on and if I had the right kind of tool to do it. In all fairness I...
  12. M motor kit review. Electric bike kit.

    I received my Hightekbikes kit + 36V 10AH LiFePo4 battery Tuesday. I have it 90% ready to go and actually took it out for a test run a few times around the block tonight. Before I give you my impressions of the ride a few housecleaning items first. 1. Thanks to Dogman for his patient and...
  13. M

    System (U, Motor, Controller) Efficiency

    It would've been nice to see everybody's weight...