DIY BMS For Tesla Modules


10 MW
Jun 2, 2008
Marin County California
Found it here:

My setup, however, is only 12 cell sets in series vs Tesla's setup that is 96 sets in series. So balancing and monitoring isn't as critical, but will be needed long term for sure.

I've set out to replace the little boards on each module with something a little more useful. Tesla was kind enough to make them modular, as they only have two plug-in connections on the back of the board: One with 7 wires for reading the voltages of the 6 cell groups and one with four wires that go to two temperature sensors. Simple to just pop the board off and unplug it, leaving these plugs for use with my custom boards.

Took some digging, but I found the exact part used for those connectors. The one is S15B-PASK-2(LF)(SN) for the 15 pin version used for the cell connections and the other is similar with less pins S04B-PASK-2(LF)(SN) for the temperature sensors.