sw900 kit, weird amps/wattage, help needed


10 kW
May 11, 2015
bought one of these....its awesome.


was the 1000w 48v 20inch hub with the sw900 display.

few questions about the controller/display settings.

i can set the amperage limit. defiult is 12amps.....at 48v that is 576watts. but the OSD wattage meter goes all the way upto 1200watts at times. not really sure which is more accurate the watt meter or the amperage limit. anyone know?

also this is the first time ive mounted the controller inside the provided bag. looks neat but it gets rather warm.
the motor and battery are cold though. i kinda want to up the amps but m worried itll pop the controller without better cooling.
anyone had experience witht hese units and overamping?

i was thinking maybe cut a hole and mount a fan to the esc...get some internal air flow.

any help info or advice is appreciated
