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washing machine 12 inch bldc outrunner

I've found over the years that whenever noobs come here with excitement about an impossible idea (whether they came up with it on their own, or found it on some other site posted up by someone else that doesnt' understand what's actually happening in their stuff, or how to measure things, etc), and then are shown how things really work, or asked to measure stuff, show how things are really hooked up, or explain precisely what they want / are doing / etc., they then just stop responding, usually never to return.

It's a shame, because sometimes they might actually be able to do something similar to what they wanted, just not in the way they think they could, if only they'd show exactly what they're after so we could help them figure it out.

There are, though, some that think they can get free energy out of a system, and those are doomed to disappointment, as they're usually trying to recreate something found elsewhere, created by someone that doesn't understand what they've done or how to measure input vs output and thus make claims that they're creating energy, when in fact they're still just using it up, and don't realize it (or maybe do know but like to scam people for some reason).
hey markz,
your right,its all about the voltage but most importantly,its about the frequency,the HZ in your signal is motion,the more HZ the more watts you will have.
Gerard is working on cranking up the HZ by means of a mechanical device(he uses small hub motors as frequency generators but the best he got on video is 2.6 Khz,wich is insufficient still.
The power companies send a signal on the transmissionn lines that is over 150 Khz before it goes into the tranformer on the post.

I am curently working on a mechanical frequency generator myself and i was able to get a frequency of 1.03 Mhz with the pump hooked up to a dremel spinning at 30 000 rpm.
Imagine the power of 1 Mhz at 12volt or at 110 volts?

Now before any of you tell me that its impossible,try it and see for yourself,dont just repeat what is in the books cuz you will never find any secrets in books,the companies make sure their secrets are not thought in school,therefore you are tought only what they decided to teach you,the rest you gotta figure on your own.
sinisterminique said:
The power companies send a signal on the transmissionn lines that is over 150 Khz before it goes into the tranformer on the post.

AC power transmission is 50 or 60 Hz. Higher frequencies are too lossy for transmitting over distance. I don't know where you've got 150,000 Hz from...
Yep, a transformer cannot alter the frequency, that requires some kind of oscillator, which a transformer is not.

Also, AC frequency has no relation to the amount of energy being transferred, that is a product of amperage and voltage, and applies the same to DC as it does to 60hz AC, or 400hz aircraft AC, or the variable frequency 3 phase AC used by our BLDC motors.

Volts times amps is watts, there are no other variables.
"These people" shouldn't be banned, but their threads SHOULD be locked and moved to a special "ridiculous crap" subforum created specifically for the purpose.
sinisterminique said:
your right,its all about the voltage but most importantly,its about the frequency,the HZ in your signal is motion,the more HZ the more watts you will have.
No, the power is the same regardless of frequency of an electrical signal.

The power companies send a signal on the transmissionn lines that is over 150 Khz before it goes into the tranformer on the post.
No, it is not. It is 60hz in the USA, and 50 or 60hz in other countries.

The *voltage* is in the hundreds of kilovolts, but the frequency is not.

Imagine the power of 1 Mhz at 12volt or at 110 volts?
The power is exactly the same as if it was 1hz. It is Volts times Amps.

There are other properties that do change with frequency, but power is not one of them.

You can verify this with any basic measurement tools, as long as you have documentation on those tools that shows you their frequency response curves. (if you do not have that, then you have no idea how much loss they have at a particular frequency, becuase nothing has a completely flat response. Thus you don't know how much your measurements are affected by your signals).
flat tire said:
"These people" shouldn't be banned, but their threads SHOULD be locked and moved to a special "ridiculous crap" subforum created specifically for the purpose.

They used to often be placed in the Alternative Energy forum, but with solar and wind and such being more common, those threads go there, so a new forum for "impossible" stuff might be a good idea. ;)
amberwolf said:
a new forum for "impossible" stuff might be a good idea. ;)

I love it. There should be a cash reward for the first person to do the impossible.
Hi, I just found this tread. Are you still working on this project?? I have no electrical experience which might not be of great help but at the same time I dont have all the pre concepts of already trained ppl so I can have an open mind about doing the impossible. what strikes me as strange is the lenghts ppl willl go to stop new ideas, even if it is a waste of time and nothing comes out of it.
Let me know if you are still working on this and what you have figured out so far. I found you because I have watched all of Gerard's videos and this morning I woke up thinking that he dissapear rather quickly once he was talking about being close, I dont care for conspiracy theories but it is odd. Maybe he figure out that is not possible and decided to be quiet about it or maybe he found the way and now is making millions sipping margaritas on a island. Regardless I am on board and would love to not pay my electric bill.
Hi curiousnorth,
Yes i'm still working on this project and in fact i have designed a 3 phase mechanical driver wich will allow me to dump any voltage i wish into the motor,such a device is not found on the market so i had to invent one.
I had to go thru many ideas and desings before i finally got the right design but its at the machine shop getting built as we speak.
The machinist said i should have it next week...lets hope he keeps his schedule.
Once i get the machined parts i will put them together and obviousely put them to the test,if successfull i will make a video with all the crunchy details and post it to youtube so all can see and replicate the driver.

To me,the mechanical driver is just the first phase,i am also working on building a "portable home power plant" of sorts because we all know generators are not really built to run 24/7.

To all the people who love to hate out there i say this:: I LOVE YOU BROTHER,even if you dont love me,what you call impossible i call an interestung challenge worthy of my time,when i succeed in my endeavor, you will be part of those who benefit from this ,as will i.
My goal is only to do something good for the people and in the end it will show.

I wish you all the best,when i have something new i will post it here,i will start with pics of the driver when i get it.
Good day all.
Hi sinister minique, any update from the machinist. How do I find you on youtube so I can follow you and see your video when you post it.
I am super excited to see your progress
That motor is a nice motor for direct drive washing machines, because it's large diameter makes it capable of delivering enough low speed torque to get a heavy load of wet clothes moving without a gearbox, and because it's cheap. Plus it's capable of high enough rpm for the spin cycle, that you could use it to drive a bike with little or no gear reduction.

What is can't do, however, is make high torque at high rpm. The copper simply won't support it. Power = torque X rpm , so high torque at high rpm would require big power and there's no way to pass big power through that thin copper wire on the stator.

In addition, efficiency is king with electric traction drives and being so cheaply made the motor is relatively inefficient. That's because the copper fill is poor (something you could remedy by rewinding it yourself with as much copper as will fit on those stator teeth). You could also improve on those cheap magnet by replacing them. What you can't fix though is the cheap iron core of the stator teeth, and that cheap stator steel really makes the motor not worthy of much investment.

Measure the copper resistance from one phase to another, and that will give you a good idea of how much current you can put through the motor. Then get a super cheapie sensorless 24V ebike controller for $10-20 and measure the rpm at 24V to find out the voltage constant of the motor, it's rpm/volt, which in turn also gives you it's torque constant (torq/amp).

The quite open frame of the motor will help it shed heat pretty well, so pushing it at the right voltage may very well make it capable of handling 2-3kw input as long as the load is pretty light.

As far as stuff like using one to run a 25kw generator, that's just silly nonsense or someone trying to make youtube ad money from people gullible enough to watch the video. If those connections to those big generators or motors (since almost any motor can be a generator and vice versa) in the picture are legitimate, then those pancake motors are being used as pony motors just to get the thing starting to spin.
Hello sinisterminique,

Hoping that you are still working on this project.
Im a machinist with tooling ready to work...Not an electronic pro but I can figure out what I need to.

Talk to me...
