Programable Controller for Cyclone3000?

Capacitors is a no go for power storage for ebikes.

Programmable Cyclone controller is good to change the Low Voltage Cut-Off, change the battery and phase amps (power) plus other parameters.
Lithium batteries are already capacitors. Get with the program and make a properly specced battery.
I know right

Recently I've had a few people ask about installing an alternator so I could charge my battery while riding :lol: Free Energy is alive and kicking :(


flat tire said:
Lithium batteries are already capacitors. Get with the program and make a properly specced battery.
I wonder about comparing the 30Q cells to these Ebike Build around Supercapacitors for Regen Purposes. Not that I would want to use either one of them. Infact I need something that will last longer than the 29E cells. But I assume that if I use only %50 of the batteries capacity they will last twice the cycles. And I also assume there is no point in asking any more questions, unless it is a really god one.

Cycle life
25R: Capacity after 250cycles, Capacity ≥ 1,800mAh (60% of the nominal capacity at 25℃)
30Q: Capacity after 250cycles, Capacity ≥ 1,800mAh (60% of the nominal capacity at 25℃)
29E: Capacity after 500cycles. Capacity ≥ 1,925mAh (70% of Rated Capacity)
[Hopefully they will last a lot longer charged to only 80% then discharged below that with-in a coouple hours].