My Shenzhen Foxell Technologies battery


100 mW
May 30, 2019
I had a great EM3EV 149SP battery. I wanted to try something with more power.

I can fit a wider battery, but not longer/taller battery into my bike frame. Being stuck at 52v/42 amps was something I wanted to upgrade from. I found a seller that would make one of similar size, but much wider, so it could do 70-80 amps RMS at 72v. I plugged it in, had the bike leaning on the kickstand so I could test the controller with the wheel off the ground with the new battery, hit the throttle to medium and...


Needless to say, after cleaning a lot of burn residue off the frame, I am back to the EM3EV battery. It's interesting that it is advertised as having a BMS - it doesn't even have an on/off switch. I want to dissect it but am afraid. I tossed it in one of these containers at the office and everytime I go to pick it up and turn it over to look at it it smokes at me.. so not anytime soon. It is VERY helpful to have a container like that nearby incase you have to dispose of a bomb that was sold to you as a battery...

I like having the seat on the back, which is what kept me from getting a larger battery for rear mount.

Just thought I'd share for anyone who was having a bad maintenance day - it could be worse! :lol:
Any relation to the BMS maker?

Shenzhen Foxelion