Crowd funding DIY Prototype Insurance & inalienable Right DIY Mobility


1 TW
Dec 18, 2018
That whole "legalistic" approach is a silly scam, useless except to the scammers promoting it.

What you need is to get the hobbyists together with the "cars are bad" livability / urban design and Green activists together, and organize political awareness campaigns

to get the "powers that be" to see it is in the public interest to allow DIY eVehicles including eBikes, with reasonable regulations.
Vehicle insurance will be as dead as ICE's when they dissappear from roads, with half gone within 5 years. The more pertanent question will be how 2-wheelers in general will coexist with autonomous vehicles. Will society chose to fund roads for anything but autonomous vehicles?
Government is a hard fact of life, people paid to enforce the rules via jail, fines ultimately guns.

They have the power, ordinary citizens don't, except in thankfully rare super-destructive times of revolution or anarchy.

There are no "rights" in real life unless those in power are using the laws and these coercive tools to enforce them on your behalf.

Anything else is pure fancy just theoretical.

For example the right to breathe clean air, the right to terminate a pregnancy, the right to go about your business without people assaulting you based on things you don't have control over.

There may be in common law the "right" to walk or ride a bike, but the use of government owned roads is subject to legal regulation.

If the government chooses to ban an activity and actually puts in the resources to detect it enforce that ban, having "crowd-funded insurance" will not help.

For things that are important for the public interest, government policy can often be influenced by organized political action over time.

That takes work, a lot of it, and usually unpaid, by people who care enough to volunteer for the common good.

Crowd-funding is just another marketing channel, for people motivated by making profits, and often those donating get nothing for their money.

Trying to make profits off what should be a political movement smells too much like scamming, to me.
Anything with "sovereign" or "freemen" vocabulary is just scammers fleecing fools, like Alex Jones and his supplements.