new bluetooth, and wi-fi connections

Jul 16, 2020
Strange how most people relate wi-fi with the internet. Yet they relate bluetooth to a phone connection. Both are nothing more than a wireless connection. like the old school wireless landline phone systems. (900mghz? ) Back in the day it would be an unfathomable cost to buy from the US gov, , , , , to buy a Am, or FM broadcast frequency. Today, we broadcast on bluetooth, and wi-fi for free.

I can see how our controllers will display, and be controlled by our phones.

I was pleasantly happy to see Bafangs newest 1000w hub motor with the new connector. If you spec it they will produce.

Thank You for all you have done, and continue to do.
I look forward to our new breakthroughs with our cell phone connections to our motor controllers.

Thank you Justin for not patenting all of your thoughts. They help us immensely. The next phase with controller, phone connectivity is exciting. We all need to embrace this.