BBS02 Challenge


100 kW
Jul 19, 2014
BBS02-equipped hardtail didn't work this AM; the display lit up, but the motor wouldn't activate. It had functioned perfectly for six years and 500+ off road outings. The connections were intact and the magnet was appropriately distanced from the PAS sensor. Looked like I'd be riding a 50 or so pound bike without assistance, struggled along for a half mile or so (with the system turned on) when suddenly it started. Was this some connector that somehow got "reconnected", a controller that is working intermittently or? HELP!!!
First I'd ask about "kill" sensors on your bike...brake, shift, etc. If you have any, did you disconnect them to eliminate them? I wouldn't go solely by the display, because I had a disc brake sensor not light up the display while it was shutting down the motor. Odd, but that's what it did. With six years and that many outings, it could be getting to a point where flex, wear, pinching, or such has occurred somewhere in the cables.
TNC, thanks. The brake doesn't shut the motor and there's no "shift sensor". I put the bike in a stand at home and it functioned fine, so maybe it was a ghost that has left the building. We'll see next time.
I suggest disconnecting and reconnecting all connectors that are needed to run the motor. Maybe the ones inside the controller too. It just takes an atom thick layer of oxidation to cause a problem.