How long to keep a tire?


1 MW
Dec 10, 2013
If the outer skin has peeled off due to the v-brake pad rubbing, and the inner tube is not bulging out, the interior lining seems in good shape how long would you keep the tire?

My go to is Chain Reaction Cycle and their shipping prices have sky rocketed since Brexit took hold.
calab said:
If the outer skin has peeled off due to the v-brake pad rubbing ....
First fix the brakes ... they should NOT be rubbing against the tires.
Then replace the Tire(s)
999zip999 said:
Change it as you don't want to be walking your bike home for 15-20 miles weighing 60 to 80 lbs.
Call a tow truck.
Once its done its done. They all become flop. Change it. Get spares. Tires are cheap insurance.

Sometimes they last 10,000 miles. Sometimes only about a few hundered. Depending on the power of the bike. I got 10K on my last tire.. this same tire now, with 3x more motor behind it, isnt lasting a thousand.

....there are usually tire wear indicators.
Had my tire poop and broke my collarbone and 5 stitches work up in hospital. Change tire now and adjust brakes.
Don't play around.