Fenders made from a trash can.

This is quite brilliant. Plastic trash cans can be found in various wall thicknesses, and many large cans have a curve that could work for tires. Can be found new...or used, once you know what you are looking for.
spinningmagnets said:
This is quite brilliant. Plastic trash cans can be found in various wall thicknesses, and many large cans have a curve that could work for tires. Can be found new...or used once you know what you are looking for.


I wanted to make fenders, and I was constantly on the lookout for "something" to use.

I was not looking for a trash can, but when I saw it sitting there, the fender shapes jumped into my mind.

I pride myself in doing projects as inexpensively as possible, and free is the best.
That idea would probably work better than the actual front fender I have here on SB Cruiser, which is aluminum, and snapped in half from repeated stresses and vibrations (due to inadequate support at the front end).
amberwolf said:
That idea would probably work better than the actual front fender I have here on SB Cruiser, which is aluminum, and snapped in half from repeated stresses and vibrations (due to inadequate support at the front end).

My guess is that the plastic from the can would bend and not split.
Recycling is golden. Like the idea. Another source for fenders are Pvc pipes. A heat gun and a diy jiig and you can shape the fenders any way you like, and jiig and heat gun likely will work for shaping, curving trash cans as well.
Trash cans make nice in ground composters for kitchen scraps, just cut out bottom and bury it. The secure lid should keep out the nocturnal vistors.