Soldering E-brake on old Sabvoton

Feb 15, 2021
Hello everyone, I have the original Sabvoton SVMC72200 where it only have 1 cable for the throttle in oppose to the new ones that have 2 throttle cables (One for the the throttle and the other for the ebrake). Furthermore, concerning my controller I will be using a thumb throttle as ebrake. However, which cables do I need to solder on to the controller to make the thumb throttle an e brake? My controller has three cables,Red,Black and Green and the thumb throttle/e brake has three cables as well Red/Green/White. So Would I have to solder (Controller)red with (Ebrake)red, (Controller)Black with (Ebrake)Green and (Controller)green with (Ebrake) white?
Very interesting if you will achieve what you intend.
yes, some new Sabvatons have option for variable regen. The question is - can you modify the one (solder) without variable regen wires ie can you enable this variable regen option soldering wires inside controller.
Hope somebody will notice this topic who had searched and found if this modify is possible.