Giant Suede Ebike. No battery


100 kW
Sep 6, 2012
Saint Louis MO
$250 Dont be shy! Make offer!

For sale here is a used Giant Suede Ebike. It has a torque sensing bottom bracket and a hand throttle. I tested it with a 36v 10s pack to make sure it works. Everything seems to work fine. It has a top speed around 20mph. I'm guessing it will cost about $100 to ship in the USA.

This originally came with a 30s NiMH battery pack. That pack was bad when I got ahold of this bike. I believe NiMH is about 1.5v full and around .900v empty. So this is basically a perfect fit for a 10s lithium pack. I'm guessing the LVC to be around 27-30v if it has one. The stock battery box is super easy to get on and off with a turn of the key and measures out like it will fit around 12s5p in a rectangular block.

The instruction manual is included as well as the factory NiMH charger.

The rear wheel is not the original. The original had some broken spokes so I threw on a cheap wheel I had laying around. Works fine but is likely a wal-mart bike wheel.

It is a rather large frame best suited to a tall person. The top of the seat tube clamp is about 31" from the ground. With the seat slammed all the way down I can barely stand flat footed on the ground. I am 6' tall. If I were giving this to a shorter or elderly person I would cut a few inches off the seat tube of the frame to allow for a lower seat. Not being able to flat foot the ground is pretty standard in the bike world but not too common for cruisers.

This would make super user friendly ebike for someone who just wants to cruise. Its definitely no hotrod. Should be no problem for any ebike builder to build and install a pack in the original battery box.

My friend runs a bike charity that gets ebikes donated from time to time. They don't really mess with ebikes so they typically call me to look these things over and test them out to sell online. Proceeds from this sale will go to that organization. They have lots of experience packing and shipping bikes.

We'll start at $250 but please don't be shy about making offers. Bike is in St. Louis Missouri if you wan to come check it out in person. I can throw together a 10s lithium pack for test rides but to be clear There is no battery included with this bike. The pack shown in the pic is to provide a general sense of the size.

This is an overview of this model from an unrelated site.

Suede Side.jpgSuede wheel.jpg2021-12-12 10.45.45.jpgSuede right.jpgSuede instr.jpgSuede box.jpgSuede batt 2.jpgSuede batts.jpg
DanGT86 said:
With the seat slammed all the way down I can barely stand flat footed on the ground.

That's not how you do it. If the seat is at the correct height for pedaling, you'll have to tiptoe at a stop or (better) just step off the saddle. I like to pull up alongside a curb and put a foot down on it.

If you don't pedal, why bother riding a bicycle? And if you do pedal, why would you want to impair yourself with a seat located too low?

I'd scoop up that bike if I were local to you, but it doesn't justify a cross country trip.
Do you know what make/model of torque sensor it has? If it is still functional, the bike may be worth it for that part alone!

Chalo said:
I'd scoop up that bike if I were local to you, but it doesn't justify a cross country trip.

Being that I'm in his city, I'd do the same if I had a place to keep it, but my current fleet takes up all the space I have available, and I would not want to leave it outside exposed to the elements. It would only be used on the rare occasions that my two velomobiles were both in a state of non-usability.

Oh well. This is a great deal.
Believe me I have thought about scavenging the torque sensor. It looks to me like the sensor is between the crank spider and the chainring. I'll take a better look at it next time I pull it out of the basement.

It is a good deal. Its too nice to scrap but the venn diagram showing ebikers who have the knowledge to rebuild a battery and ebikers that want to top out at 20mph is basically two circles.
Last call on this thing. I have to get it out of my way. Don't be shy. Anything over the cost of shipping that motivates us to pack it up will probably be fine. If you live close to STL come get it for super cheap.
Last call on this thing. I have to get it out of my way. Don't be shy. Anything over the cost of shipping that motivates us to pack it up will probably be fine. If you live close to STL come get it for super cheap.
Would you ship the charger only $40 to Buffalo NY area?
Sorry for the delay. Just plugged in the charger and got 36v with no load. Idk what its supposed to be but if that is what it should be then it appears to work. Let me know if you want it still.