Recent content by gilberko76

  1. G

    Nuvinci N360 hub

    I have been using the Nuvinci N360 for about a year. I suppouse all of you will get helped by my review. The bottom line is - this is NOT a mature product, and I wouldn't recommend it at all. Furthermore, I also have a city bike with the 7-speed Shimano Nexus installed, which is a lot better...
  2. G

    Review of the Cyclone (Taiwan) 360w chain-drive Ebike kit

    Hello to all the members of the forum. My name is Gil, I'm from Israel, and I bought and installed the Cyclone 360w kit on a bike. Cyclone Taiwan manufactures chain-drive motor kits that can be mounted on regular mountain bikes. There are two kit options - the "1 chainwheel" and the "3 pcs...