Recent content by Gus2015

  1. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    New controller from Lectric Cycle installed yesterday, so today rode around town about 5 miles without incident - except for my inadvertent wheelie. I was at the base of a hill on a fairly busy street from a standing start in the bike lane. Because this is a recumbent with its low center of...
  2. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    Bad controller verified today, which is very disappointing since I never really stressed the motor - from my perspective, basically just riding around my neighborhood. Now, what to do, the vendor -elifebike, whom I bought the motor from, suggested I ship the controller to them, they will send...
  3. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    Thanks for the suggestion, however if the controller failed under that very brief amount of stress, I'm not sure I would ever trust the Bafang. Are there external controller options that are more robust ?
  4. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    If controller was overloaded what are my options ?
  5. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    Well, my plan to venture out with my blue loctite pedals quickly interrupted today. I engaged the thumb throttle to get me up the brief incline in my driveway and the motor stopped. No error message on the 961 display, the usual battery information, nothing indicating anything wrong. The bike...
  6. G

    Bafang BBS02 Vendor & Reliability Poll

    Although I am very early in the Bafang experience, thus far I have not been disappointed by the products (or prices) received from elife bike (the 750 w motor) and aliexpress (the 48v battery). Although I was dealing directly with Chinese vendors, both were very helpful and respectful throughout...
  7. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    I have been doing short test runs in my neighborhood and except for needing to order a 3 pin speedometer extension the bike has performed well, until today. My right pedal fell off and when I checked the left, it too was starting to unthread. I was planning on changing out pedals anyway so when...
  8. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    The BB cartridge from Jim Olsen at Cyclone-USA works perfect and aligns nicely with the Bafang. Because I flipped my crank chain to the left to connect with the Bafang free wheel I ended up with a chain tension issue. I had been using SRAM 9 speed chain on the right side to connect to my 9 speed...
  9. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    Getting closer in my quest to get the BikeRX Bafanged. Just waiting for the longer spindle from I was a little hesitant to order from Cyclone because all the browser said it was "not secure", but since they offered a PayPal option I felt "secure". After the order was placed I...
  10. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    Thanks for the encouragement jtrops and the cup and cone suggestion and Cyclone USA site. I'm going to wait on "proper captain's crankset" until I'm sure this works, I appreciate your insights.
  11. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    StudEbiker, thanks for your reply and thank you amberwolf for the Bike E links. I'm considering connecting the front chainring by moving it over to the left side of the BikeE RX, similar to how some tandems connect to multiple drives. To do this I'm not sure if it would be as easy as...
  12. G

    Bafang BBS02 on a BikeE RX recumbent

    In my haste to motorize my BikeE Rx recumbent I failed to recognize the Bafang pedal drive could not replace the BikeE Rx crank due to BikeE Rx crank location, see photo. In email correspondence with California Ebikes I asked whether they felt the Bafang could be installed in the BikeE's mid...