Recent content by HolgiB

  1. HolgiB

    Question Nine Continent FH212 & CA V3 -> what are sane temperature values ?

    Dude, you saved my day. You have no clue how this comment helped ! OK, I'll explain a bit in a minute. First off, I found a segment in the CA documentation in regard to NTCs, motors and the beta value. "The Cycle Analyst has a 2-pin input intended for motor temperature sensing. Many motors...
  2. HolgiB

    Question Nine Continent FH212 & CA V3 -> what are sane temperature values ?

    @amberwolf: Thanks for your fast and detailed reply ! :bigthumb: So I guess I need to go back and check the complete extension cord from sensor to the CA V3. I have the bad feeling that perhaps the two pin RST connection on this "cable spider" below the the CA is somehow broken / disconnected...
  3. HolgiB

    Question Nine Continent FH212 & CA V3 -> what are sane temperature values ?

    Ok, I got my wiring cleaned up today and went for a short ride. The FH212 runs silently but doesn't provide much better acceleration compared to my old direct drive but this was to be expected since the old motor is also pretty fast on 36V. One thing bothered me though / left me puzzled and...
  4. HolgiB

    Question Nine Continent FH212 & CA V3 -> what are sane temperature values ?

    True, but this knowledge does not help if you are running a cheap 140€ direct drive hub motor without temp sensor which I had in this bike for several years. :mrgreen: I just started mounting the FH212 yesterday and still need to rewire the Phase wires & hall sensors in the first place. So...
  5. HolgiB

    Question Nine Continent FH212 & CA V3 -> what are sane temperature values ?

    Nice, thanks for your reply. :bigthumb: So 90°C lower limit and 110°C cut off sound like a good starting point for me. I guess I should reconsider applying Statorade although the motor will mostly see flat surroundings with only a few mild hills.
  6. HolgiB

    Question Nine Continent FH212 & CA V3 -> what are sane temperature values ?

    Hey there, I have been searching ES for a while but not really found an answer. So there you go :-) I have a Grinfineon 4825 controller paired with a Cycle Analyst V3. Now I bought a fast Nine Continent RH 212 from a German vendor. This is identical to the motor which is sold by Grin: FH212...
  7. HolgiB

    XPD: open-source keywin e-bike lab replacement

    Hm, the links to python-central and python-gtk were simply the package / software tracker of the Debian project itself. They show that both were removed ages ago. Python-central was removed August 2013 and Python-gtk was removed April 2020 from Debian Unstable. I guess the GTK binding are for...
  8. HolgiB

    XPD: open-source keywin e-bike lab replacement

    You are welcome ! Although I did not really provide a solution. More like an idea for a workaround. :wink: May be the USB-TTY-cable will work with "pass through" to the Win7 with "USB passthrough" like provided with VirtualBox. Not shure how well virtualisation plays together with the timings...
  9. HolgiB

    XPD: open-source keywin e-bike lab replacement

    Hey there, seems that packages have been mostly removed. I just fired up a Debian Bullseye container on my Ubuntu box but the result should be similar. There is a package called python3-serial which should fullfil the needs of xpd (unless it is written in Python 2.X)...
  10. HolgiB

    E-bike + carbon frame + 52V. 18650 + BMC motor

    Luis, not problem ! You are welcome ! :thumb: Use what matches your needs ! :wink:
  11. HolgiB

    E-bike + carbon frame + 52V. 18650 + BMC motor

    Hello Luis, you might want to have a look at my controller mounts I did a while ago for my old 12 FET EB306 Controller: OpenSCAD files are included for modification. If questions arise, let me know. BTW: For torque plates 3D printing works good as...
  12. HolgiB

    Video Software/Tutorial Making Question (+lots of screengrabs)

    Most solutions out there (even the free one) are geared to somewhat semi-professional or even professional production. This is true for things like DaVinci, OpenShot and the other stuff. Personally I like working with videos for private stuff (tour movies, VLOGs, Youtube) and have often used...
  13. HolgiB

    XPD: open-source keywin e-bike lab replacement

    Wow....I didn't expect THAT many responses ! :roll: I do understand that EB3XX and other Infineon-based controllers are not the latest and greatest thing around and somewhat (out)dated. But those controllers are still available and do a pretty good job to keep Motor "Sissy" such as a MAC...
  14. HolgiB

    XPD: open-source keywin e-bike lab replacement

    Thanks for providing such a great platform independent tools also running under Linux. :thumb: I grabbed the tar package from for XPD 0.4.1a Connection to my guinea pig, a EB312 sensorless 12 FET controller works fine and I...
  15. HolgiB

    Difficulty fiting TSDZ2 Motor on BB.

    Hm, bad combination of frame form and BB motor. Either switch to a different BB motor such as the CYC which allows a more flexible mounting or go for another frame.