Recent content by lnanek

  1. lnanek


    It's in the manual:
  2. lnanek

    Want to upgrade my controllers and display

    Usually you would just buy a pair of programmable controllers off the shelf with a higher max battery amps, like two PhaseRunner controllers from Grin, then program them to have a lower max amps at 53 amps at the same time you auto tune each to each of the motors, then just wire them both to the...
  3. lnanek

    Seeking opinions about a failure in marketing technique(s)

    At least in the indie game dev world, we try to build our games with a good viral coefficient, and even then we have to pay a good $80k in ad spend just to get in the top listings of the app stores briefly enough to pickup any users whatsoever. After that, if it's well designed, it can grow...
  4. lnanek

    How do these boosters work?

    I tried one once to go from 48V to 52V in hopes of higher top speed, but my controller kept throwing faults. Maybe you need to disable any regen, provided your controller supports that, to avoid. Some controllers seem to depend on having a direct connection to the battery they can pump current...
  5. lnanek

    Quick Release Handlebar? (Alternative to Turtle Neck Quick Release)

    For my purposes of locking a bike in a cage at mass transit stations, I've always been able to get away with just a stem that folds down, then I turn my wheels 90 degrees to get the bars parallel to the frame: That said, I've had folding bikes with a stem...
  6. lnanek


    Seeing plenty of results for KingMeter 790 displays that match what's in the manual: Looks like the bicycle manual's: That said, upgrading and even replacing displays without also replacing the controller usually doesn't work. I've bought a GD06 display...
  7. lnanek

    Approximate cost of materials to build a basic chromoly MTB bike frame?

    Maybe you should take a welding class at a local Maker Space before buying the equipment. We have free use MIG and TIG machines at work and scrap material to practice with. I've taken the MIG class, and I can MIG weld basic things like thick sheet metal with simple profiles like overlaps, inside...
  8. lnanek

    52v battery at 80% max charge as 48v alternative?

    Ebike packs typically don't exposed the balance wires that go to each individual p-group of the pack like the balance connector on an RC pack does.
  9. lnanek

    Has anyone tried the various pedal kits for Talaria and Sur-ron?

    Less likely for the cops to get involved if you have pedals, though.
  10. lnanek

    Bafang M500/M600 thread

    Feels like it's just red, black, gray, white, green, purple just from the wire lengths and positions: Red and black are probably just +10V and ground anyway, so you should be able to check them from turning on your controller, plugging in the connector, and using a volt meter on the cut end...
  11. lnanek

    Koga F3 3.0 eccentric bottom bracket

    FWIW, I never found chain line super important on my 1 x Nexus IGH bike. You can use a 7 speed chain instead of a single speed so the chain can bend more, use a chain that comes with a half link on the end so you can size it tighter than a chain with all full links, add a chain tensioner - to...
  12. lnanek

    Pulling my hair out how many cells do I use

    You have to pick the cell first, then check the data sheet, then divide 120A by the max continuous discharge of the cell. If the cell data sheet says it can handle 20A continuous, you need 6 in parallel to handle 120A. So 20 groups of 6 connected in series. You can add more in parallel to each...
  13. lnanek

    what is hardtechPI ???

    PI like private investigator? Sounds like someone you'd hire to gather evidence of a spouse cheating.
  14. lnanek

    At what point do you draw the line on minimum tire diameter?

    The bigger the wheel, the easier it goes over bumps and pot holes. Only reason to go small is if you need to fold the bike and put it in a small car trunk occasionally or something. My car has a rear external bike carrier, so not really needed to ever go with a small wheel.
  15. lnanek

    36V 350W front hub motor

    Yeah, I tend to run as 750W geared motor at 1800W most of the time and no issues at all either. Replaced OEM controller with one with more max amps and done. Changing voltage is a much bigger deal than changing amperage, though. Every motor has a KV rating that determines the max rpm for a...