Recent content by MrModify

  1. M

    Fardriver problem

    Hi - hoping to get a solution: My Fardriver 96680 cuts out if I quickly twist the throttle - why? What settings do I need to change to fix this?
  2. M

    Kelly KLS Controller Optimizing.

    First of all thank you Gonzalez for the videos about how to program the Kelly KLS controllers. However, after trying many times I still can't get the acceleration to ramp up more quickly. It pulls away so weakly that vehicles around me out-accelerate me. But then the acceleration increases so...
  3. M

    Apt961000 controller

    I bought my APT961000 from QS Motors. Depends who you speak to there. I spoke with Carrie.
  4. M

    Apt961000 controller

    I have had the pleasure of using an APT96600 controller in conjunction with a QS 14kW / 34kW hub-mounted Motor on a converted Aprilia rs125 2-stroke motorcycle. It is a very powerful and completely silent and reliable controller - even doing a good job of powering a motor much larger than it's...