Recent content by pat_smtih

  1. pat_smtih

    RadRunner from Rad Power Bikes change European Settings

    Bolton Bikes sells a Rad upgrade kit, just recently tested on a RadRunner:
  2. pat_smtih

    E-bike or E-trike for winter commuting?

    After breaking my wrist I'll never ride on ice with two wheels again. The trike sounds like the winter best option. P.S. What's a "car" lane?
  3. pat_smtih

    What sort of mirrors ?

    These make it easy to scan the whole road behind you by just moving your head slightly. One mirror works on all your bikes.
  4. pat_smtih

    Toronto asked to keep e-bikes off sidewalks and bike lanes!

    99.9% of the bicyclists I see have a turn/stop signal though they rarely use it. In the US it's called a left arm:
  5. pat_smtih

    Throttle mods for drop bars.

    Do you have pictures of this setup? I'm currently using an old aerobar to hold my twist throttle close to my brake hood and would rather use a thumb throttle while my hand is on the hood.
  6. pat_smtih

    Do you use clip in shoes?

    I use pedals that are SPD on one side and platform on the other. I use my touring shoes with recessed clips for commuting but just regular shoes for local errands. It's nice to have the choice.
  7. pat_smtih

    How much money have you spent on ebikes?

    I use mine for commuting. Excluding the cost of the commuter bike I already had, I've spent $350 so far but will spend another couple hundred on a battery upgrade when the SLAs finally go.
  8. pat_smtih

    eBike Improvisation

    Nice spreadsheet. Got a question for you though. How do you save 2k a month using an e-bike???
  9. pat_smtih

    Best way to add left-hand chainwheel at crank for motor?

    Details, please. What exactly happened?
  10. pat_smtih

    Best way to add left-hand chainwheel at crank for motor?

    FWIW, You can get a pair of LH crank arms from "mrbikeman" on eBay for less than $10:
  11. pat_smtih

    Best way to add left-hand chainwheel at crank for motor?

    Sounds like you want to do exactly what I already did. Take a look at my "Stokemonkey knock-off": I bought a pair of inexpensive tandem timing crank arms and used one of them with the existing right crank arm to make a stoker crank...
  12. pat_smtih

    Ebike almost KILLED ME!!!

    Yet another good thing about a non-hub motor is that I can downshift. Top speed in my granny gear is only about 7-8 MPH! :D
  13. pat_smtih

    What kind of helmet do you use?

    What about all the head injuries you see on vehicle occupants and pedestrians? Do you think they should wear helmets also? After all, there is no good reason not to wear a helmet... It's all about risk management. For me the odds of getting a head injury on a bicycle that a styrofoam hat...
  14. pat_smtih

    how much are you saving using your ebike?

    I'm saving about $2 a day. I used to take my bike into work on the bus then ride it home but now I can ride both ways. It cost about $350 to set up so I should break even this summer.
  15. pat_smtih

    Stokemonkey Knock-off

    Thanks. I've found that I need ease off the throttle a little bit to shift. I like to spin and have it geared so it spins the cranks at about 105-110 max (14t freewheel driving a 38t chainring). I seem to be using my usual cadence uphill just in a higher gear. Not that I notice but I...