I had a "where have you been all my life" moment this week...


10 kW
Dec 22, 2023
I have a medical issue that is slowly eating the use of the left side of my body, so, peripheral neuropathy on steroids, often can not feel my left foot and the hand can be a lil questionable on the feedback loop.

And getting old has eaten my near vision, just the joys of life.

With that said, I ran across something while perusing Temu and just had to give it a try.

and in case that link vanishes...


So, got em, unwrapped them and cleaned off the fish oil, stripped the ends of a bit of wire, clipped them in and...

Holy hot smoking awesome batman, it just neatly smooshed the wires together, quick prod to put the few loose ends that never cooperate into place and kind of perfect made... I am in love.

I do a lot of prototyping as part of my income stream, so I spend a lot of time assembling things, and soldering 2 chonks of wire is always a bit messy, and with the lack of sensation that is getting to be a daily event I have found myself using helping hands units and stacking stuff on the wire that is hanging off a box.. it is really embarrassing get yer bum kicked by a bit of wire but HA! I have a solution...

Now I need to go solder stuff.

Wasn't sure the best place to comment on these, but I ordered a 2nd pair, one for the bench and one for the box, best way to make sure you gots da tools ya need.
Adam Savage uses cool tools
I like the swivel, thing for lights, switch panels, camera's.
Cool Tools

Attach your unique tool to the end of that "cool tool"

I saw an episode on his Youtube channel where he talks about his stuff, specifically that moveable arm.

I remember him talking about the trays are airliner food tray rollers for inside the the cabin.
Then he found some fish tackle box type metal trays at an auction.

That tool of yours will get dusty, put in the unused tool tray.
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I doubt it will be put away anytime soon, I have 3 contract that need prototypes finished for submission (a little money is handed out to cover cost of prototyping, then you put your unit and your expected production costs in, if you have the "right" unit and the cost is not exorbitant you get the money to go to production. I have been doing this kind of stuff a longish while. It occasionally even pays good. This time I ran across some info that means odds are we are getting 2 of the 3 bids because the competition is incompetent. The third one.. Dunno, never done a bid to the FDA, I never really thought they were the "show us your cool electronic idea" kind of guys...

oh, and I have 2 more ebikes to finish...
I have to get around to tearing down the boys hoverboard and see why it is being a dingus...

My "retirement" has turned into more work than work was.
Fun times you have ahead, do you have a solder fume extractor for all the fun you will be having?
I have a medical issue that is slowly eating the use of the left side of my body, so, peripheral neuropathy on steroids, often can not feel my left foot and the hand can be a lil questionable on the feedback loop.

And getting old has eaten my near vision, just the joys of life.

With that said, I ran across something while perusing Temu and just had to give it a try.

and in case that link vanishes...

View attachment 346490

So, got em, unwrapped them and cleaned off the fish oil, stripped the ends of a bit of wire, clipped them in and...

Holy hot smoking awesome batman, it just neatly smooshed the wires together, quick prod to put the few loose ends that never cooperate into place and kind of perfect made... I am in love.

I do a lot of prototyping as part of my income stream, so I spend a lot of time assembling things, and soldering 2 chonks of wire is always a bit messy, and with the lack of sensation that is getting to be a daily event I have found myself using helping hands units and stacking stuff on the wire that is hanging off a box.. it is really embarrassing get yer bum kicked by a bit of wire but HA! I have a solution...

Now I need to go solder stuff.

Wasn't sure the best place to comment on these, but I ordered a 2nd pair, one for the bench and one for the box, best way to make sure you gots da tools ya need.
I have been walking around on 'dead meat' (left foot) since that wee little freeze Texas had two years ago. Going to have to bookmark those.
That looks like a great tool; thanks for sharing that. I sometimes find myself soldering wires attached to a bike; that would otherwise be a real pain to remove completely; this might be the best tool for that.
Just made this with 2 alligator clips and a short length of solid house wiring. Its lightweight will work better splicing small gauge wires on ebikes.

I think I have some pretty heavy gauge single strand around here somewhere, a smaller version probably has some decent future in it.

Oh, and for anyone wanting to use this on the road, sick a decent magnet in your kit. I have already hung this off my swivel lamp a couple times.

As for a fume extractor, I work mainly in the garage, I have a fan that blows towards the *almost always* open door (self edit back there, it got below freezing here and I literally could not melt silver with the garage door open.. it was irritating.
Cool find!

The alligator clips work okay, but you gotta put a couple layers of heat shrink on 'em first.
I can think of a few mods I would like to see with these, but even as an early design they are pretty awesome.

They do a fairly good job of damping the heat from running down the wire too.
I don't sleep much and get bored easily.. it was either chase random data or get throttled by my parents.