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  1. blindnas

    Building an Electric Skateboard - im in too deep

    Depending on the firmware and versioning, I believe that there are Mac (I've used it myself) and Windows versions of the BLDC tool for it running now too :)
  2. blindnas

    Post your e-board videos...

    My build is still in it's early stages (held onto my board with Gaft tape), but I'm looking to get the enclosures built now. I'm using an old Santa Cruz Longboard with Orangatang Kegels, one motor, one VESC, 10S1P 5000mAh batteries and did a mini-test ride this past weekend (without a helmet or...
  3. blindnas

    DIY Boosted inspired electric longboard

    WOW! I'm blown away by the professionalism in how your board looks. I'm aspiring to get close to that with my build as well :) My build is still very early in it's stages, but I'm looking to get the enclosures built now. Any tips? I'm using an old Santa Cruz Longboard with Orangatang Kegels...
  4. blindnas

    Building an Electric Skateboard - im in too deep

    I would also put in a vote for a VESC if you can find one. I tried another RC Car hobby ESC before getting a VESC (because I couldn't find anyone that could make a VESC at the time) and while it did work, it made shrill noises when spinning the motor and loud tones when braking (they called...
  5. blindnas

    Best Way to Enclose Electronic Components?

    Thanks for all the ideas and feedback! I think I'll end up trying to do a clamped enclosure for now, but if that doesn't seem to work well, I'll go the route of drilling holes since it seems like most people don't have issues with it. :) I've still got a bit of tweaking to do on the motor /...
  6. blindnas

    Best Way to Enclose Electronic Components?

    Hi All, I was wondering what other people have tried when enclosing their electronics and protecting them from potential scrapes, splashes, etc. I am worried about drilling holes into my board... Doesn't this affect the structure and weaken it causing splits when it's flexed during riding? I...
  7. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    After alot of messing around and different configurations, I switched my motor configurations to use Sensorless (I realized that despite it being sensored, I was not hooking up the sensors to the VESC since the pin headers didn't match) and it works! Doh! Thanks for the help guys! Hopefully...
  8. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    Changed the subject title and added more information into the original message in order to reflect new findings on the issues. It seems like it's an overall input issue since neither Wiiceiver nor keyboard cause the motor to move..
  9. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    Thanks Vedder for the response! I did not know that was the case, so I tried that on your suggestion, but that didn't seem to work either. I was planning to connect the nunchuk receiver directly to the i2c port of the VESC and use the nunchuk app as a next step after I confirmed it working in...
  10. blindnas

    Electric Penny Board

    Nice build! I was planning to make something similar to this as my second board.
  11. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    Aww :( I watched the video, but everything seemed in line with what I have been doing.. I tried the Wiiceiver with another ESC (an RC Car one) and it drove the motor just fine, so I must have something mis-configured with the VESC.
  12. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    Yup, I wrote, rebooted, read and the settings stuck around, but still no motor spin on throttle. Although the pulsewidth display does show it going up on throttle.
  13. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    Hmm.. I tried that and nothing changed. What is the KB Ctrl supposed to do?
  14. blindnas

    [Solved] VESC Input to Motor Issue: Sensored vs. Sensorless

    EDIT2: Found out that it was because I was configuring it for a sensored motor despite not hooking up the sensors. EDIT: After more investigation, I seem to be having an overall input issue rather than one specific to the Wiiceiver (and have changed the subject to reflect this) After looking...
  15. blindnas

    Mounting ESC + Batteries on top?

    Is there any reason why everyone tries to mount their ESC and batteries onto the bottom on the board? The main issue I see with putting all of that on the bottom of the board is that the bottom is where you'll see the most damage from rocks and sidewalks. If you end up carving, you have to make...
  16. blindnas

    Vedder VESC Test Reports (customer feedback thread)

    Have you tested any of the boards yourself yet on a board setup?
  17. blindnas

    Orangatang Kegal Printed pulley assembly

    Thanks! :D That explains why I couldn't find it. Kegal vs. Kegel heh. I should have just looked up Orangatang.
  18. blindnas

    Orangatang Kegal Printed pulley assembly

    I noticed that the STL download is no longer available. Does anyone happen to have that laying around still or know where I can find it?