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    Solar Cargo Bike

    Here we go, in preparation for the Sun Trip Tour 2019 I bring you the build thread for our longtail solar cargo bike. If all goes according to plan (lots of plans), than this is the bike that my lovely woman/teammate Rain will be using for the tour. It's gonna have (at first) a 9C rear hub, &...
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    Mobile E-Bike Charging Station

    Hi all, I'm trying to gauge the interest in low power EV charging stations, i.e., charging stations specifically made for electric bikes, mopeds, etc. They could be useful for corporate fleet management, events, shacks in the woods, you name it. Here's one that I'm currently testing at work. I...
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    This section has the wrong name

    Hi, a friendly question here. Why do we still say 'alternative energy' when discussing renewable sources of electricity? Since electricity derived from solar, wind, hydro, a gasifier, etc. is identical to grid power in most applications, why do we stick with the term 'alternative,' as if solar...
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    24v EV Global E-Bike

    Here it is, my 24v EV Global E-Bike, designed by Lee Iacocca. Yes, it is the same guy that designed the original Mustang. Too bad they didn't have (proper) lithium batteries back in the 90's, or the 60's for that matter. This is a 1997 model. It is 100% stock except that I replaced the stock...
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    Sun Trip Tour 2017

    Ok these are a little late, but I now give a few pictures from the Sun Trip Tour 2017. This tour started in Clermont-Ferrand, France, and ended in Lyon, France, by a way through both Saint Bernard passes (the Petite as well as Grand, done in the same day actually), and then around lake Geneva. I...
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    E-Bike Made Out Of Cannabis

    Ok sorry, but I had to say it to earn clicks. This is technically a bamboo frame with hemp fiber + SuperSap CLR epoxy joints. I just thought I would wrap the whole frame w/second composite layer in order to add some extra rigidity and prevent any bamboo cracking. It's also a lot easier to take...
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    Solar Trike

    Hey all, Here I will be documenting a solar trike build. I've been wanting to build a solar trike/velomobile for several years, but this project is only happening now because 1) my car broke down (need of transportation options), and 2) a friend is letting me borrow the trike itself (sheer...
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    Solar Cycle Analyst?

    Hi all, I have an open question regarding the Cycle Analyst, and specifically, how it is used to measure solar power input to your bike. I propose that it would be very useful to purchase a Cycle Analyst that utilizes two shunts; one for solar input, and one for motor output. This way, your...
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    Sun Trip Tour 2017

    Hello all, I'm mostly a lurker, but I wanted to inform some of you E-F'ers out there about the Sun Trip, a solar e-bike tour taking place this July in the Auvergne-Rhone region of Savignon in France. The trip will go from July 8-21st and cover around about 600-800 miles through several mountain...
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    Commuter E-Bike Optimization

    Welcome to my first new thread. I'm coming at all of you in my last year as an undergrad student of Appropriate Technology ( over in Boone, NC, a very hilly area prime for E-Bike use. One of the things we do in the AT department is put ourselves as researchers into...