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    Bafang M500/M600 thread

    I am working in it to get the brake cabel which are compatible with the yellow higo plugs. I will inform you asap it is available. Are there more people around here who want to have this cable?
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    Bafang M500/M600 thread

    Hi, i nearly finished my M600 build (will make an separat thread for this) but I miss two parts. The bash guard, i got the one from dengfu with the motor but it dosent fit with my frame. There are two version, 520A and 520B. I have the 520B for the dengfu frame but i need the 520A. The ebrake...
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    Wayne’s Dengfu Carbon Fibre FS 27.5” with Bafang M600 (throttle also)

    Hi, @waynebergman can you make some pictures with the inserted batterypack. And how is the mounting an dismounting of the batterypack? regards Over