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  1. K

    new eZip motor

    Quite the contrary. It just takes a bit of an effort to see it: ... I can certainly relate to it. Like his occasional self deprecating humor. "Curtis is the middle name, and I've been late most of my life." Aren't we all. I would not have been doing what LC is doing EXACTLY the way he is...
  2. K

    new eZip motor

    In China perhaps?
  3. K

    new eZip motor

    Indeed, impressive price. Build quality appears solid. No BMS though, an extra bother. I was asking you about them because I was thinking they might fit your stated "use case" of daily errands, occasional long trips, and the mandatory ability to haul the batteries upstairs for charging. They...
  4. K

    new eZip motor

  5. K

    new eZip motor

    LC, pardon my interrupting the trash talk. I am still curious about the packs genesis. I mean are they professionally assembled? Bought from a reputable seller or from random ebay one? Homemade?
  6. K

    new eZip motor

    Not to me, at least not yet. Who made your Li-ion packs? Are they the ones DrkAngel mentioned? 48v, 12.5 aH, high discharge?
  7. K

    new eZip motor

  8. K

    new eZip motor

    Here's what the seller says it is: If it looks like a duck, quacks ike a duck... Sure there are cheaper solutions. I charge my Li-ions in a cheap fireproof top loaded "safe", or inside an outdoor grill when it warm weather. Does it address LC's concern though? Or is he worried getting a...
  9. K

    new eZip motor

    Is the concern they could catch fire while charging? If so, would this help as quick fix to get one of the two planned bikes going: BAT-SAFE - XL LiPo Battery Charging Safe Box, Un-Painted
  10. K

    new eZip motor

    Ponder this. Not about you, we all might
  11. K

    new eZip motor

    Will your world be better if you do? Do you think no one cares? Stay on...
  12. K

    new eZip motor

    "We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us”
  13. K

    new eZip motor

    That's not good. In addition to whatever you are planning to do get Zicam in pill or capsule form. Not spray or swabs. Read instructions this time. It's important to start taking it as soon as you have thecearlies symptoms. It shortens the duration of...
  14. K

    new eZip motor

    "Pride is (the biggest) sin." I think that one happens to be correct.
  15. K

    new eZip motor

    I mean THIS is not off (that) topic :es: :es: :es:
  16. K

    new eZip motor

    Well, LC's are not sterilized builds like some others built by pros with better equipped shops. But he has his own way of getting there. There is a fire extingusher in the shop background on the latest video so safety gets at least a considerstion. He is not pretending to be something he is not...
  17. K

    new eZip motor

    These are pretty good for what they are intended to do but they are not torque arms. A very good write up on universal torque arms is here: You will see there that Grin designed V1 arm is no longer manufactured by them so similar...
  18. K

    new eZip motor

    This cited torque arm is certainly better than a torque washer. It looks like it's Grin design (V1 IIRC) or even manufacture, so read up on it's shortcomings on Grin site ( Also check our better options while there.
  19. K

    new eZip motor

  20. K

    new eZip motor

    Yeah... You can't win here. This is not a good bet. This could be a valid concern but in the case being discussed it's you teeth and other quite important stuff at stake, you know. Spending $$$ on a good fork UPFRONT might be a good idea though.
  21. K

    new eZip motor

    Imagining an egg between one's thumb and the throttle as a form of axle spinout protection is wishful thinking. The time will come when you will be forced to speed up out of trouble and - voila! - you are on your back in the middle of an intersection with you fork ruined. Everyone has a plan...
  22. K

    new eZip motor

    3kW in the back is better. If it a chain drive u dont need a torgue arm which is good if it is indeed an aluminum frame. On the same note, Bafang (assume hub) motor in suspension (aluminum?) fork is a touchy setup. Lower power Bafang and GOOD torgue arm may make it safe. But 45 mph on that rig...
  23. K

    MAC 8T

    Sorry for randomly barging in. I had exactly same issue myself with CA3. Induced by an uninitiated user who returned the bike to me holding both brakes because "the motor doesn't stop". She apparently set cruise control without realizing it. CA quit working and didn't respond to settings...
  24. K

    new eZip motor

    LC I am a bit lost in this stream of consiousness but sure want to say that this worries me if it is intended to be powered by the 3 kW motor mounted on the front fork. That is asking for trouble, torgue arm or not. Then comes braking. Rim brakes may not stop the loaded bike in an emergency...
  25. K

    new eZip motor

    :thumb: You have your own way, nothing wrong with it. You style is not easy to follow but hey, your thread keeps on going, doesn't it.