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  1. S

    TSDZ2 failed in odd way, suspecting the controller?

    I know I have been posting so many TSDZ2 related questions but... My 52V TSDZ2 with 860C and OSF 1.1.0 failed again today, at a 2500km mileage. I left home with a full battery at 58.8v and things started to go wrong after riding for 20 minutes, when power delivery started to pause for short...
  2. S

    TSDZ2-necessity of the iron bracket on non-drive side?

    I received a new frame with an odd design (please see picture below). It's internal routed and has a wide cable outlet at the bottom of the downtube. As such, the motor cover won't close due to the nut on it interfering with the downtube opening (at the red arrow). I'm considering grinding down...
  3. S

    Can someone help me examine how badly is my frame damaged?

    Today when I was doing a recreational riding, my TSDZ2-equipped gravel bike started to make loud squeaking noises halfway. I disregarded it for half an hour, until it developed to loud enough to force me to stop for an inspection. I then found my TSDZ2 had broken the securing and swung up...
  4. S

    TSDZ2 displacing magnets on the BLDC rotor

    So I ran into some very rare issues with my 52V TSDZ2 and OSF 1.1.0 after 6 months and 1200km on it. Last time when I was riding up a small hill, the engine started to give horrible scratching and colliding noises all of a sudden. Although it did not quit working, I switched it off immediately...