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2000 ft or more in Elevation Climb Club

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Lowell said:
As for the controllers, I'd give much better odds to the Crystalyte controller box over a Randymotor. Don't 25% of Randy's motors blow up? :lol:

I thought it was 50%. Ken's smoked, Randy's is still working.
fechter said:
Lowell said:
As for the controllers, I'd give much better odds to the Crystalyte controller box over a Randymotor. Don't 25% of Randy's motors blow up? :lol:

I thought it was 50%. Ken's smoked, Randy's is still working.

I was just trying to be optimistic. :lol:
Lowell said:
I still have not seen you provide any proof about the supposed burnt up hub motors you always talk about. On the other hand, who could forget Ken T's smoking disc, aka "burned lump" :lol:


My X5 will burn your 5lb disc motor any day of the week. What was your 0-100ft time again? 0-40mph? Why don't your videos show any data on the screen like mine do?
Wheres your proof that a hub motor can go beyond 1 mile up hill let alone 2000 feet in elevation or to 10,005 feet which IS the WORLDS RECORD set on a ebike.The standards were set 4 years ago and NOT by you. :lol:
Simplicity and Availability Rule! :lol:

still managing to avoid the cops on your now outlawed wonder machine Randy? whats the point? 4 years ago it was legal now it isnt, that Huffy aint going to go quite as well when its your old lungs and knees peddling you along! like to see you race with those lycras then! Fact is your shenanigans and constant bragging and deluded infamy may have been your downfall.

Now you couldnt technically run any sort of electric motor on your bike without breaking the law, its hardly worth having the best hill climbing e-bike if you cant use it to go places, makes all the bragging kind of worthless.

Cmon Randy stop living in the past 4 years ago it may well have been 400 years ago.

with Randy's cyclical arguments and his sick sense of entertainment he gets out of insulting everybody, its just a matter of time before he's banned here. why not do it sooner than later?

No I dont believe Randy should be banned, he needs to stick around so we can all teach him his isnt the only way to do things, he can learn from everyone else, casting him out on his own will only make him worse and even more dillusional than he already is.

He also has good advice to offer us he just chooses not to which is a shame, he just continually brags which just gets on everyone's tits, he offers his solution as my way or the highway option.

So no lets keep Randy on board and I also dont like the fact that we are moderating his posts that isnt right, as long as he isnt being really rude or double posting his posts should be left as they are, we can all choose not to read them, moderation goes against the basic principle of a public forum, keep it clean i see no problem.

I will make a Draper copy, its easy to do for me and when I feel the need I can play, I cant think where locally I will need that kind of hill climbing performance as the motors I have tackle 20% slopes ok as they are.... any steeper and I'm taking my gasser.


seems like people wanted to ban him in January and the problems haven't subsided... infact it seems like his incessant negative posts are now dominating the atmosphere of this forum. i think this topic should be revisited ASAP as its gotten out of hand. let's not forget that earlier today Randy called Lowell an a****** (without the censorship)
or how about a temporary 30 day ban to give him some time to cool down... or maybe coincide his reinstatement with the release of Paris Hilton and see if things change at all? that'd give him some time to potentially produce some new content so he won't have to keep linking to the same videos and rehashing the same insults day after day.
d said:
seems like people wanted to ban him in January and the problems haven't subsided... infact it seems like his incessant negative posts are now dominating the atmosphere of this forum. i think this topic should be revisited ASAP as its gotten out of hand. let's not forget that earlier today Randy called Lowell an a****** (without the censorship)

So, why challenge him? You know what to expect, by now.....
Hi d

Yes for sure if Draper is insulting folks and he does so consistently then they need to step in, he has a beef with Lowell for sure, the only thing that worries me is that newbies and regulars may tire and then lurk and then leave, if people think Randy is going to jump at them the minute they post for the first time about how happy they are with their hub motors.

Its really heart warming to see some of the older members post up pictures of their rides that they have assembled themselves with little or no engineering skills, sadly they often dont return now if the hostile posts are putting off folks from hanging then Randy needs a word.

I did sigh when I saw randy join in on this forum and sadly he hasnt bought anything new to the table, its all 4 years old and the conversation is still the same, I think he has invented a time machine as I feel like I am having the same arguments that I did in 2003.

If Randy starts name calling it just proves that he is running out of valid points, its like all the upper case points in his posts, people that shout normally have a limited vocabulary and argument.

Keep it clean he can stay, name calling will put people off, its out of my hands, Shame as I really used to like Randy a lot.

Exactly what has Randall brought to the table over & above what anyone else has done? That he's earned to be credited with & his name attached to a particular powertrain layout that's been in existence for over a century. I find the achievements of safe, thaddeus, & numerous others here, far more impressive & get way less press for it.
Sometimes the results speak for themselves, without reposts. Sales numbers speak volumes as well. :lol:
Everyone has made their points, the remaining arguments of why someone should be banned should be saved for other topics.

Locking this one as well.
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