Layman questions on graphite and it's relationship in Lithium battery design


1 µW
Dec 6, 2023
If I was to subject natural or synthetic graphite powder to an exfoliation process that
reduces the average layer height of the flakes from 200 nanometres down to around 2.88nm
without harming the structural integrity of the material nor introducing unwanted by-products
then resulting characteristic should include significantly lower electrical resistances and higher
thermal conductivity perhaps approaching that of diamond, well... at least surpassing copper
and silver lets go with that.

That said is there any significant benefits to using a material like this in the context of battery
design or would it just be an extra process resulting in needless expense and a waste of time?

Unfortunately there's not much in the way of cell design info / etc here on this forum--we build and fix batteries out of existing cells, but ohter than perhaps JonesCG and Liveforphysics, I don't know anyone that has been involved in cell design / research.

Your best bet is to look at whatever science research papers there are on the processes you describe and start there (since companies that actively design batteries are unlikely to publish their research and design info). If there were anyone here working at such a company they'd probably be under NDA and unable to discuss any of these kinds of things. :(