parallel batteries connect effect @ wide different voltages


100 W
Dec 14, 2019
PT Portugal
some math calculations at batteries to know Amperes draw at parallel connect moment in limit conditions (worst case voltage difference)
Imagine U connect parallel a fully charged scooter 16S 67V battery to a fully discharge same type 16S with just about 48V ( 16S scooter battery range from 67V to 48V lower cut)

It will be 29V difference at parallel connect moment
A good healthy 16S scooter battery has internal total resistance IR around 125 miliohms

Using ohm law I = U/R means 29V/(0,125x2)= 116A
soo at initial moment after connect parallel, fully charged battery will charge a fully discharge battery at a rate of 116A! soo should kill bms or fuse(if exists) or cause a really bad stress to both batteries!!

For a ebike battery 10S range will be 42V max voltage and 27V limit lower voltage. a average ebike battery has arround 150miliohms IR
Do same mat to know the Amps equals 50A draw!

Soo NEVER connect parallel batteries with a wide voltage difference!
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