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Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

A commercially viable, working thorium cycle reactor is amazing good news. A Chinese nuclear cargo ship is terrifying news.
. I posted this in the Alternative Energy forum, but thought it was relavent here also…..

A new method of comparing the full costs of different grid generation options that allows for the intermittent character of wind and solar, +the storage needed to enable continuity of supply, and additional infrastructure requirements..
Based on data from Germany and Texas.
Levelised Full System Cost of Electricity (LFSCOE) vs LCOE

Levelized Full System Costs of Electricity

Different electricity generating technologies are often compared using the Levelized Costs of Electricity (LCOE), which summarize different ratios of fixed to v

However, this is still not the full comparason as they are still using a common life expectancy of 30 years, when we know that coal and Nuclear will last much longer, whilst wind and batteries will be lucky to survive 20 years without major repairs or total replacement !
Generation (MW·h) of Topaz Solar:
Average Annual Production (years 2015-2019) --->1,279,216
That's 1,279,216MWh generated total average for a whole year, that's because it might only reach 550MW output during some good days in summer for a few hours each day, during the winter months it's MW output sometimes halves.

But a 15MW gas cooled micro reactor can possibly run at 15MW 24/7 for one whole year and might average 90% capacity factor like a lot of current nuclear reactors do for refuelling etc.

So 15MW x 8,760hours-in-a-year = 131,400MWh of total energy generated for a year…..
So a tiny shipping container sized nuclear reactor could in fact generate more electricity over a year than a 25km2/9.5 square miles solar farm located in one of the sunniest parts of the USA desert.
Err ?…. You may want to check your maths ..!
i figure you might need ten of those containers….…..
or just one of the 200-300 MWSMRs.
but yes, i see the point , …a far more sensible option
So Nikola Motor Company is not only crushing Tesla with its battery-only electric trucks,

Crushing it, surely.

This looks like a great example of somebody on the wrong side of an issue (TheBeastie) creating a fanciful narrative to obfuscate the truth. But who knows, maybe it isn't what it looks exactly like.
The LCOE is useful to compare GENERATION costs up to a point , but makes some major assumptions for key factors like operational life and efficiencies/ capacity factors etc .
Some versions have recognised that some systems are intermittent and unpredictable , but have only made token attempts ar making them comparable by the (limited) use of battery storage.
None seem to accept the reality the real situation where fosil fueled generators are the actual back up for shortcomings of wind and solar.
For battery back up to be effective for most possible W& S shortages, the capacity would have to be huge and effectively financially impractical
Also whilst some LCOE models make allowances for modifications to infrastructure ..transmission and distribution etc,..it is very obvious from current proposals in Australia, that those allowances are hugely underestimated. Trillions of $$s are needed to rebuild grid networks for the introduction of remote RE generation, and Add in the essential FCAS infrastructire to maintain stability as rotational plant is retired.
Much of this is still not factored into this LFCOE model either !
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None seem to accept the reality the real situation where fosil fueled generators are the actual back up for shortcomings of wind and solar.
So you think solar+storage does not take into account the need for solar backup? Hmm.

In addition, one of the reasons that many utilities are switching to solar for new generation is manpower. Labor is expensive, unreliable and prone to things like strikes. Solar and storage have minimal manpower requirements compared to, say, nuclear, which needs huge amounts of manpower for security, operations, maintenance, safety etc.
So you think solar+storage does not take into account the need for solar backup? Hmm.
Exactly, … because it is inpossible to know how much backup is needed !
….only a continuous generator of the same capacity can do that…. EG:.. Germany.

Most LCOE calcs that include battery back up, only factor in 4 or 8 hours ..a token gesture !
In addition, one of the reasons that many utilities are switching to solar for new generation is manpower. Labor is expensive, unreliable and prone to things like strikes. Solar and storage have minimal manpower requirements compared to, say, nuclear, which needs huge amounts of manpower for security, operations, maintenance, safety etc.
Definitely….but that is all reflected in those LCOE calculations.
However, that simply means that the cost/MWh from the generator is higher…..but, it does not mean that the LFSCOE cost is higher , after all the external costs are included for Wind and Solar, before it reaches the consumer. !👍🤔
So , that is why Wind and Solar are attractive to the operators of a generation business, but it does not mean the consumer get a good deal.
Seems like a good deal for these consumers
Maybe.. maybe not !…
detailed data is not available, because the costs are subsidised by the Spanish government,…
…but experts have estimated the cost of generation is over €1000/MWh
..and the system is yet to provide more than 50+% of the islands annual electricity demand due to wind variability and lack of sufficient storage !
28days of high winds is not a full year .
You keep making the argument that renewables are more expensive than fossil fuels, but you never include the long term costs of the pollution from continuing to use the fossil fuels.
Which might be what exactly ?
Ever had a true full blackout ?…not just local, but regeonal or even statewide ?
..only then do you realise how much you depend on a reliable electricty supply.
Whilst most people can rig up temporary lighting, maybe even keep their fridge on for a few days, unless you are a full prepper, fuel for generators would be unavailable as gas pumps wont work,
utility back up generators for hospitals etc only have a limited amount of fuel available.
airtravel & airports cannot operate with communications and control systems down
Most solar systems wont work with out grid voltage,…even if there is any sun !
Utilities like town water, sewerage, and gas, all depend on an electricity supply.
cellphone networks and internet lines wont function, so communications are limited
electronic payment systems are disabled,
store fridge/ freezers cut off
stores sell out of essentials ..water, milk ,flour, canned foods, etc
It very quickly becomes a state of emergency and possible social dissorder
Then there is the small problem of doing a “Black startup” on a primarily Wind/solar grid !
Our whole society has developed around a cheap, available, and reliable energy supply via the grid.
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And if a couple of billion people have to become climate refugees, or die in massive heat waves, or starve in crop and fish die offs, well, at least we had cheap electricity for a while there.
And in the future, if the worlds most populous country has to spend all it's electricity on air-conditioning to stay alive, with no money left for anything else, it's in the future. They're figure it out by then, right?
.What you fail to accept is that the climate will continue to change, as it always has, no matter how we generate electricity or power or vehicles.
CNN !😱🙄🤣
People will become “climate refugees” because they have been told they can find a cooler climate somewhere else.
Or they could learn to live in warmer climates as many other countries do
maybe take a few lessons from Libya where 55+C is not uncommon.
India had “air conditioning”.. (Punkah: The Hand Operated Ceiling Fans of Colonial India), before they had electricity. !
And when will we see this “cheap electricity” ?
Every country / state that have replaced fossil energy with RE has experienced dramatically INCREASED electricity costs!
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.What you fail to accept is that the climate will continue to change, as it always has, no matter how we generate electricity or power or vehicles.
Nope. It will change far faster as we add greenhouse gases. This has been demonstrated, and is simple science.
People will become “climate refugees” because they have been told they can find a cooler climate somewhere else.
They will become climate refugees as:
1) Their countries become too hot to survive in. Humans cannot survive wet bulb temperatures above 95F. Again, science.
2) Their countries experience drought due to higher average temperatures, making it difficult or impossible to maintain their water supplies and sources of food.
3) Their countries are lost to sea level rise and erosion as ice retreats. (i.e. Nuatambu and Mararo)

We are already seeing them. They will get far, far worse as time goes on. Sticking your head in the sand and denying science will not make them go away.
CNN is fine, as it's the same articles as quoted other places, but without a paywall.
But are you really suggesting that India should go back to hand operated fans as their temperature surges to unlivable levels, so that you can keep getting your cheap electricity and not be inconvenienced?
And I'll state it again, and you'll probably ignore it again, but electricity that's cheap in the short term, with severe long term costs, is a fools bargain, paid for real suffering by those least responsible for the problems.
Luckily we use that precious precious electricity so wisely too 🙄


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It will change far faster as we add greenhouse gases. This has been demonstrated, and is simple science.
Please site examples.
Anyone who believes climate science is simple , is fooling themselves.
They will become climate refugees as:
1) Their countries become……..etc
all of those situations are just speculation of possible outcomes of significant climate change, which has yet to be realised Anf could well result from the planets natural climate cycles…( i hope we can agree that the planet has been both hotter and colder in the past with accompanying floods, droughts, and variations in sea levels ?)
Populations , Civilisations, etc have flourished and suffered, relocated and rebuit as their environment has changed, .
There is no reason for that not to continue,…
..but it is foolish to think that humans can control the Planets climate by manipulating a tiny fraction of one trace gas in the atmosphere.
There is NO science that proves that theory is possible,.….…
….. but many examples to show predictions based on those theorys are invalid.
electricity that's cheap in the short term, with severe long term costs, is a fools bargain
Ahh ?….so are you now agreeing that fossil fuel/Nuclear generated electricity is cheaper than Wind and Solar generation ?
Remember, nothing is a “forever” solution, Fossil fuels are are cheap, effective and reliable source of energy currently.
We certainly need to find an alternative , but it must be just as reliable and effective whilst remaining affordable.
Unfortunately Wind and Solar are none of those, and their further intervention into our utility supplies could not only result in an unreliable power system, but also lead to economic upheaval.
so i just propose we should retain the current prooven systems until our real scientists develop some other viable alternative.
Ahh ?….so are you now agreeing that fossil fuel/Nuclear generated electricity is cheaper than Wind and Solar generation ?
I'm pretty sure he's taking about the extreme high costs of externalities in the case of fossil fuels. When you account for those, fossil energy is probably the most expensive kind currently used. It's most likely even more expensive than nuclear fission after accounting for millennia of waste storage and security.
Please site examples.

The instrumental temperature record proves the Earth is warming up. Temperature: Instrumental Records | EARTH 103: Earth in the Future

We know that CO2 and methane are greenhouse gases. This can be confirmed in a high school science lab. Simple measurements demonstrate that CO2 is a greenhouse gas contrary to claim in online blogs The Greenhouse Effect Experiment and Lesson for Kids https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.192075

If the warming of the Earth was caused by, say, the Sun getting warmer, the entire Earth (including the upper atmosphere) would get warmer. If the warming of the Earth was caused by more greenhouse gases trapping heat in the lower atmosphere, then the lower atmosphere would get warmer, and the upper atmosphere would get colder since there is less re-radiated longwave radiation to warm it. And in fact that is what we see. NASA Satellites See Upper Atmosphere Cooling and Contracting Due to Climate Change - NASA

A second way to verify that is to actually look at the outgoing longwave radiation via satellite. We have done so and have confirmed that it is dropping. Again if the sun was warming the planet that would increase, not decrease. Trends in spectrally resolved outgoing longwave radiation from 10 years of satellite measurements - npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

Anyone who believes climate science is simple , is fooling themselves.

The only people who think climate science is simple are the people who think that the sun is responsible for all changes in climate - which is a popular climate change denial approach. "It's the sun, stupid!" It's the Sun, Stupid (The End of Global Warming) - Civitas Institute
all of those situations are just speculation of possible outcomes of significant climate change, which has yet to be realised

I just listed a few places where it has already been realized. The Western drought is another example. Even if everything stayed exactly the same in terms of precipitation, warmer temperatures will cause more drought due to faster evaporation and less snow left on mountains for summer water supplies.

It's no longer a question of "what happens when climate change warms the Earth?" We now know it's happening. We know that it has already caused droughts, flooding and stronger storms. The only remaining question is how quickly it will get worse.

but it is foolish to think that humans can control the Planets climate by manipulating a tiny fraction of one trace gas in the atmosphere.

Unfortunately for people like you, we now have hard data that shows we have done just that. The amount of science you have to deny to claim that 1) we are not releasing CO2 2) we are not warming and/or 3) the two have nothing to do with each other is massive, and getting more massive every year. Pretty soon you'll be in flat Earther territory.