Recent content by ptd

  1. ptd

    Whos going to buy this thing??

    the day the government wants your opinion, they'll send you an email, just so you know what it should be.
  2. ptd

    Steve Jobs, not Apple vs Micro$oft vs Google(Android)

    do we not think that jobs didn't take a look at cryo ? with $8.3 billion ? c'mon, you know he's frozen somewhere. when he's resurrected, he can roll out the iMBack.
  3. ptd

    Battery usage statistics calculation

    how about what amount of time was spent at what rate of discharge (AND charge, be it charger, or regen). small equalizer graph kinda thing. could be mined a lot of different ways. total wattage used. expected deterioration, and the resulting cycle life. an order of magnitude more accurate volt...
  4. ptd

    Someone to fix a speed controller?

    hey, another noob here. that happens to have gotten his controller at cycle 9, that's not working worth a crap. you wouldn't happen to have a number you can actually reach them at, would ya ?
  5. ptd

    Making use of low C rate LiFePo4 cells

    ps, i'm not advocating lead, but it seems like the tech development would be in the BMS area, with the possibility of compartmentalizing the batteries, which might lead to a system where any chemistry, any size, could be plug and play. i think this might help with 1) being able to easily...
  6. ptd

    Making use of low C rate LiFePo4 cells

    didn't someone (was it, dare i say, safe?) do something like this with NiMh and NiCd? seems like it was something about preventing sag iirc. i know, different chemistry, but it seems like the principle might be the same. again, noob here, but can you hook a 48v20a and a 48v10a set of batteries...
  7. ptd

    Steve Jobs

    as for revolutionary change, most of the above systems started off offered to consumers as gaming platforms. funny you mention texas instruments. i was playing lunar lander and star trek, on a TELETYPE, via BofA mainframe, in the early 70's. before monitors. ps, jobs worked for atari, too. imo...
  8. ptd

    Steve Jobs

    no, they didn't invent it, they were just the ones that got it into the hands of the masses.
  9. ptd

    Steve Jobs

    hmmm... a bunch of guys sitting around, dissing Jobs, while typing on their personal computers (which, imho, happens to be the greatest open development tool ever created). a bit hypocritical, methinks. i'd say he did just fine.
  10. ptd

    could use some electrical help here, thanks...

    hello, hello, hello... is there anybody out there... just type if you can hear me now...
  11. ptd

    Rewinding motor...(updated) page 3 Auto Wheelie

    doesn't increasing the number of turns (by using smaller wire, but keeping the same fill %), result in the same power, just at a lower rpm? and wouldn't that be considered an increase in torque? ok, i now i'm a noob, but this doesn't make much sense. i could see if the VOLTS were being limited...
  12. ptd

    could use some electrical help here, thanks...

    ok, did all 36 combinations, and as expected, nothing. so how do i go about testing for shorts? and testing the throttle? and testing the controller? i get the feeling that it is the 'bridge' method for the controller, but can i just insert the leads into the backs of the connectors? or do i...
  13. ptd

    How to steal a bike, maybe an e-bike, in the city.

    ok, hence, the delay. with a small chirp. enough time for you to stop, get off, and physically disable it. or maybe you just plug the remote in, like a key.
  14. ptd

    How to steal a bike, maybe an e-bike, in the city.

    not enough delay. let him get on and up to about 10 mph, THEN taze him. and don't forget the video. or get really evil. put a transmitter on it, that sends a signal to your remote. then wait till he's in traffic. ps, i still like the seat taser idea. he'll hit the ground, and stay there. but...
  15. ptd

    How to steal a bike, maybe an e-bike, in the city.

    i used to think the same thing. great idea. but the powers that be have already bungled it. there are now gps BLOCKERS, that any thief worth his salt will have. and iirc, they're cheaper, like $20. i say, keep up with the active deterrents. at the very least, it should make for a more...