29mm to 35mm to 50mm -> My evolution to the Cromotor

We have got a lot going on over here... lots of good pictures coming.

Here are some troubleshooting shots from the Farfle controller that I botched up. In order... Phase A, Phase B, Phase C.

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Yea.. I know that scope is an antique but it is 100MHZ and I got it for free. My precious 350Mhz 4ch Tek died a sad death of electrolyte drowning on the caps. Been without a scope for months until Jozzer was kind enough to give me a small 4ch color scope... then I came across this faster one (when it rains it pours)

But anyway - look at how beautiful those waveforms are. You see how clear the problem is? It shows up in both the phase and on the gate so I knew it was in the drive circuitry. Turned out that a little blob of solder floated over those two via's that drop between the low side drivers and the high side drivers down the middle of the board. (the two that have to jump ground). This basically injected 100V right into the middle of all the 2Y transistors. Had to replace the high side 2Y, low side 2Y, and a couple other small parts. At one point I am going to share a guide on how I troubleshoot controllers.... it is a frigging retarded way but it works for when you dont have a schematic or for when you dont understand how the circuit works... basically it is just a matter of taking a bunch of measurements and comparing them to what you expect... like a 2.2K here, forward junction there, 15V zener here, jumper cap there...

So I got it working and did a bunch of 80A rips and now it is time for 150A DC 300Phase I swear to god today.

BTW: Totally heated up my Cro on just 80A yesterday :shock: Even in a 20" wheel these are NOT indestructible guys... I will end up blowing mine I can tell.

So it has been a while since I have posted any video. My Father in Law caught a few of the GreenTime 100V 50A test runs on my G2 phone. Video is shit but it still gives a very good accounting of how a cro does on 100V 50A in a 20" tire on a trike.

5 short CroMotor KMX movies on Google+

This is a pretty good one - Google+ sucks for watching multiple movies: https://plus.google.com/105649453389174374894/posts/Sf5QjzTZzA8
edit: There should be 5 or 6 movies I dont know wtf is up with Google+ and how to properly show them... it seems like the hyperlink keeps changing grrr...

Matthew and I put in some hours on the 24 fet controllers. I still have not programmed my Farfenwagon up past its original 80A. I need to install the software on my computer and get too it. Here are some build pics


This is how we start them.... by this point there are actually hours of work. We had custom cabling harnesses built up in China so as to be plug and play with all previous equipment I have sold (ebikes.ca standard) which warms my heart. We do all the work ourselves... soldering every wire, every fet, drilling every hole.

Power switch

Doing batches of 10 to maintain sanity.

I have switched nocturnal to be able to keep up with Matthew... I usually aspire to get up by 6AM (or at least 8AM) but today I was awoken by the sound of Matthew calling me at noon. :roll: Been a long time since I have slept till noon

So yesterday my big goal was to get the bike somewhat street-able

* Got the chain on the rig and corrected a reversed idler pulley install that had always been there

* Got the 18T sprocket installed - though it rubs a touch on the frame. A thin washer or a quick grind will fix it

* Stole a busted old 6" disk off of another project and got that installed - it lines up and works perfect with no rubbing and wobbling side to side like the bastard Crystalyte hubs.

* Got the current limit turned up to at least 150A DC, CA reads 180A peak but it is not like I can look down and read it while pitched out sideways ripping up the street.

I am used to the 203mm... but lucky that this little 6" will clear the frame. Works great and now I remember why I loosened the hand brake up so much... locks up the rear in a second and brings it around. Fun but sucks when you jack-knife.

Gotta get the 150A videos posts... just been laying rubber down the street... and I am not talking about this sissy stuff where you drag the front brake and lean forward a touch. I am talking about leaning back and rolling on the throttle and just feeling the rear end start swaying side to side burping chunks of rubber. Just the right amount of smoke show and hooking up to be fun - churps and burps and skips on every takeoff and around every corner but still hooks up enough to "feel fast"

24 fet builds... New method is to use a paper towel to buff in the heat sink compound. Then kapton tape. Then another buff on top of that for the back of the fets. No sense in having that goopey crap dripping all over the place - that does nothing but make a mess and make me angry. Kapton here is 0.0015 thick and I tighten the shit out of the fasteners - tape is tough as nails.

This swamp-gas machine totally smoked us out last night. I was running big long strips of 8AWG through it just pouring in flux and smoke filled not only our whole workshop but the hallway and entire entrance to the building. Nasty sweatshop bastards...

* Made a bad-ass video. It was late in the afternoon so it came out dark - BUT - we turned up the brightness and contrast and it came right back! Trick is that now we have to re-save it with the changes and neither of us have editing software. Matthew is downloading some nonsense today so we can do it. Trike dominates at 150A 300Phase

So... how do I refer to it? As a 150A bike or as a 300A bike? I guess watts is more appropriate - so it is a 13kw trike. At least burst... heat on the controller is not the limiting factor just BEMF. Thing actually does not want that much current on 24S - thinking about trying a 24" tire to move the power band up a little bit. Right now it is a little too much off the line and not quite enough at 20mph. Would love to see that 150A get pulled to 30mph

Controller did not even get warm - Farfle for the win. That thing is amazing.

nicobie said:
methods said:
Controller did not even get warm - Farfle for the win. That thing is amazing.


And to think he switched to a Sevcon (sp?) Luke approved controller. :lol:

The only reason I traded to the Sevcon was the throttle control. Which on a trike isn't that important. The Sevcon actually makes less horsepower than the infineon until it gets to higher revs were it can do its phase weakening tricks to eek more hp out.
methods said:
- all ready for some 250V 1.2uF ceramic capacitors.

Hello Methods, where did you find theses 250v 1.2uF ceramic SMD capacitors ?
You mean these?
They have an incredible density

I should have kept my mouth shut because it looks like some numb-nutz bought them all out. Now I am hosed :x



fuuuuuuck.. just saw the video of that sucker that TD edited... to smoke the tire without using front brakes is .. well... damit.. i want one.

My kmx with X5304 at 100v 60 amps needs me to sit forward and hold the front brakes for smoke.. this is not acceptable..

I hate you..... swore i would not spend a dime on more toys until i clear my line of credit...... grrrrrr
I need to finish putting the video together and get it up. It really does rip hard - way better than anything I have ever built.

To be fair I am not running the stickiest rubber. If you are running high end rubber on the back it makes sense that you dont break free as easy. I have to say though that if I were running stickier rubber and I hit the throttle with the wheels turned at all I would fugging eat it. :mrgreen:

The way the bike is now I dont even have to pin it - just rolling on the throttle breaks the tire loose :twisted:

Let me go slam a video together - you have to see this.

Done :p

Trying to figure out how to use bastard YouTube now. I am sure they will just wreck my resolution... hell with it I will just throw the 80M file up on my server and folks can deal with it. These days most people can probably stream fast enough. It is only a 3 minute video.... and much better than the horrible clips I was putting up a couple years ago :x

Here's a slightly less crappy version of the dark clip:

Looks much better after downloading and viewing local .
Oh right... those bastards are turning down the resolution when you stream it. Did not think of that.

I am going to have to re-do my movie later since I was so impatient to put it together that I used the dark-ass crappy-ass footage. Let me download your latest attempt and later I will swap out that footage. For once I actually saved the project so I can go back and edit :)

Nice!!! Looks like a screamer! I can't wait to get hurt in it!
Alan B said:
So that's what a Cromotor on 24S at 150 amps does. Wow. Nice. :shock:

That would be a handful on 2 wheels. :mrgreen:

I've done 30S (125V) @ 120A Batt 210A phase on 2 wheels with my motor... requires careful throttle control.
Alright here is the latest eye candy I sent Methods last night. Blue anodized controller housings! :shock: :shock: :shock:



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I will be finishing these bad boys up today and we can start testing. I am also slapping together my 24” cromotor bike to be the test hog alongside method’s KMX.

nicobie said:
The boxes look nice. Did you do them yourself?

I do have a chemistry lab in my garage (where I brew my own concentrated sulfuric by boiling down battery acid :eek: ) but in this case we sent out for this job. We are totally slammed right now and the last thing I have time to do is deal with a 50 gallon trash can full of angry liquids. Electrolysis is fun.
