About to order a hub motor, suggestions


100 mW
Jun 13, 2012
After doing alot of reading, I'm leaning towards the crystalyte Rear hs3540. My controller is a holmes hobbies mini stealth pro, with 10ah 12s lipo. My weight plus bike is 230lbs. shooting for 25mph. Anyone have any input? How well do these hold up over time? The search function on here is not so great, and several threads say that quality varies from shipment to shipment.

I really want to buy something that isn't constantly giving me problems.
The good news is that combo would get you 25mph.

But its an Oversized motor being powered through an undersized controller with a low voltage battery. In automotive terms, its like buying a muscle car, but then never putting more than 3 gallons in it and never going more than 25mph. If you're going to use a big motor, you should be using it all or its just dead weight. It makes sense for a 35 - 40mph bike, or an off road beast being fed through a 12 - 18 fet controller at 72 volts. Or possably a cargo bike hauling 400lbs up a steep hill all day

A better way to reach 25mph reliably is with a smaller motor like a 2807 9C and 48 volts or a bit more (I use 15s lipo). Its lighter, cheaper, a little faster, and has better torque. JRH's controller would be fine for this kind of setup.
Those 9c motors were second. My logic with the bigger motor was it would last longer and not get very hot. I was also under the impression the 9c motors weren't built as well either. This is just what I've read though, and that info could be dated.

Id also rather have the ability to go faster if I later decide to do so. Buy once, right? I'm open for advice and suggestions though, so keep them coming.
I have that motor on a 29" mountain bike running 52.8v a123 lifepo4. Great setup. I get ~35mph and about 13-15 miles range running 26mph avg. That said...I wish I got the HT3540. It'd be nice to have a little more off-the-line power. Drunk skunk is right though. If you're happy with 25 get a smaller motor. The hs3540 weighs a ton. I had a similar thought when i got this motor. If it can handle a lot more power, then the speeds I'm going, along with 110 degree PHX heat shouldn't kill it. FWIW, I run a 40a controller Ca-limited to 25a, also in an effort to keep it from overheating.
Drunkskunk said:
The good news is that combo would get you 25mph.

But its an Oversized motor being powered through an undersized controller with a low voltage battery. In automotive terms, its like buying a muscle car, but then never putting more than 3 gallons in it and never going more than 25mph. If you're going to use a big motor, you should be using it all or its just dead weight.

Running a motor at less than full load is more efficient (giving more range for your battery capacity), and it relieves potential thermal problems. No electric motor anywhere in your household runs at maximum load as a general rule; they only do that when accelerating to operating speed. That's why household appliances generally last a long time and don't stink when they run.

Dead weight is an undersized motor that gets overworked and lets out all its magic smoke.

Chalo said:
Running a motor at less than full load is more efficient (giving more range for your battery capacity), and it relieves potential thermal problems. No electric motor anywhere in your household runs at maximum load as a general rule; they only do that when accelerating to operating speed. That's why household appliances generally last a long time and don't stink when they run.

Dead weight is an undersized motor that gets overworked and lets out all its magic smoke.


This was my understanding. Since the motor will be operating well below its maximum output, it should last a lot longer. However, if it gets warm too easily at 48V, I'll just throw another pack in and see if it helps.

I cant wait to get this thing going and post some vids!
Get the 2807 9 continent. It will do 25 mph on 44v no prob. And unless you get a racing controller, it aint gonna melt on ya unless you go climb a mountain with it. A BIG mountain. 10 miles of 8% grade won't bother that 9c. I've done it. 280 pounds, me and the bike.

If you plan on getting a 72v 40 amp controller later, then you would want the HS.