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Another authoritarian failure


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
Another authoritarian... failure

The pandemic has ravaged the health of the world. No more so than The United States where current deaths are over 178 000. Why? Naive, Immature, unknowledgeable, incompetent, ineffective authoritarian leadership.

Trump claims he inherited virtually nothing in pandemic preparedness from the previous administration, which is a lie. Beginning the morning after Trump's inauguration his administration dismantled the executive branch’s science infrastructure and rejected the role of science to inform policy, essentially reversing both Republican and Democrat presidential administrations since World War II. Trump disbanded or defunded the safeguards set up by the Obama-Biden administration.

Safeguards - like the White House health-security office, a national pandemic response plan, a Centers for Disease Control field staff in China to help the U.S. detect and stop pathogens that could lead to a pandemic. Trump's refusal to take the threat seriously and rejection of scientific guidance hindered efforts to protect Americans from contracting the virus. More than 178,000 Americans have since died, and the current health, safety, and economic security of the American people is a direct result of Trump's inept leadership.

Trump’s effective pursuit of anti-science policy worked so well that as the Covid-19 broke out in China, he had no science policy to advise him. America is now suffering a far worse economy and pandemic because of his ineffective leadership. This administration's responses are ineffectual and inconsistent. We are increasingly divided by misinformation.

His callous, 'It is what it is' response to the deaths and suffering of Americans is unconscionable and dehumanizing. Covid-19 came from China, but Trump put America in this mess. His incompetent authoritarian approach to governing the health, wealth, and welfare of 330 million people is well above his head. Trump wants his re-election to be about dollars and cents, not what is competent and makes sense.
Lets update this failure

I blame the states for the covid infection rates more then I do the feds. The states should have locked it down early, and they didnt. Trump wanted to ban flights early and the dems were complaining that it was racist.
markz said:
I blame the states for the covid infection rates more then I do the feds. The states should have locked it down early, and they didnt.

I wonder why they waited?

Trump Jan 22: “We have it totally under control.”

Jan 24: "It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan 30: “we have it very well under control.”

Feb 10: “I think the virus is going to be — it’s going to be fine.”

Feb 11: "[the virus] goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though."

Feb 26: “The 15 (cases) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. ... This is a flu. This is like a flu.”

Mar 4: Newsom declares emergency in California due to COVID.

Mar 6: "It’ll go away.” — During visit to Atlanta headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mar 7: “No, I’m not concerned at all. No, I’m not."

Mar 7: First schools close in California. New York declares state of emergency.

Mar 8: First schools close in New York.

Mar 10: New York, Massachusetts and Washington shut down universities and go to on line learning.

Mar 13: "We’ve done a great job because we acted quickly. We acted early. And there’s nothing we could have done that was better than closing our borders to highly infected areas.”

The states acted far faster than Trump did. Even as he was telling people that there was no cause for concern, that it would go away, that it was just the flu - some governors knew he was lying and acted on their own. Had they not done that, tens of thousands more would be dead now.

How screwed up is our country that governors have to figure out that the president is lying in order to protect their people?
Just watched the PBR in Vegas on t.v. tonight, 25% capacity but very few audience wearing masks. Pretty sure NFL is the same with mask wearing couldnt tell much from the times I tried to count masks in the stadium seats.

In Canadian news, Peel Ontario had crowds in a parking lot, bunch of kids and their cars. Cops roll in to break it up but no fines. Same thing with Toronto beaches weeks ago, beaches were packed and no fines. Not the job feds to enforce local laws. Canada should have closed its borders long ago, thankfully they did close them and they should have had stricter follow up on quaratine especially from high risk countries.
NBA has opened their stadiums for voting, thats about all the NBA will do for BLM. Like it really matters, NBA stadiums are too far to go to vote for that demographic. Nice gesture though, good PR for NBA.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott, restricted Drop Boxes for ballots to one per county. My mother has her ballot ready to drop. Problem is they removed all the drop boxes and there is not even one anywhere in the county.
No, just the mail sorter machines and all the over time from the postal workers. City has a law suit on going over it. So you say just roll over and take it. Yes, she has no choice but to mail it. One more thing, they want to compare signatures, I get that but they put the signature box half on and half off of the envelope flap that glues shut. You will write your signature top half on and bottom off the edge. Blatant act to mess up the signature.
Photo ID and early voting locations and be done with it.

I'm definitely voting in person, in the middle of the work day, in the middle of early voting week. That's what I did in the primary. It was pretty darned socially distant.
Balmorhea said:
I'm definitely voting in person, in the middle of the work day, in the middle of early voting week. That's what I did in the primary. It was pretty darned socially distant.

If you have time in the middle of the work day to make your vote count, many people do not have that luxury.
markz said:
Balmorhea said:
I'm definitely voting in person, in the middle of the work day, in the middle of early voting week. That's what I did in the primary. It was pretty darned socially distant.

If you have time in the middle of the work day to make your vote count, many people do not have that luxury.

Yeah, I’m the master of my job and not the other way around. It took me a long time to learn and apply that lesson.
It's more than about Terrible Trump. :evil:

Follow it all 3 minutes... :lol: :thumb:

Added side note

For those that support 'celebrities' to lead and guide us.

markz said:
The video is to much, to much acting and not real from the heart.

Cher - Cher can't cry she has had to many face lift surgeries.

Just_Ed said:

Just my attempt to put a bit of levity into this war of words. :evil:
I took it to be satirical, and thought it was a bit comical. :)

Can't comment on Cher. :?:

Other than it wasn't about her looks, more about her being a celebrity and what her feelings were.
ZeroEm said:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott, restricted Drop Boxes for ballots to one per county.

As of today, that has since changed.


Federal judge blocks Texas governor's directive limiting ballot drop boxes to one per county