Another cool idea from me.


10 kW
Sep 10, 2011
San Bernardino, Ca
You remember back in the day, like yesterday, when you went over to your buddy's house and they had a new radio controlled toy? You're like , "oh wow, can I try it", and they're like, "no, but you can watch me play with it". At this point you're thinking, "what a dick" and you start questioning your friendship. Well what if their new radio controlled vehicle, drone or what have you was freakishly large for some reason as well as the controller. This would leave you scratching your head in confusion and you'd be thinking, "did they steal that from Gallagher". Then you notice this large red back-lit button on the controller and you ask, "what does that do?" Your friend replies, "what, oh you mean this red button here", at which point they wink at you and push the red button. Right before your eyes the controller seems to fall apart, so you look towards the vehicle and it seems to be falling apart as well. It turns out what is really happening is that both the controller and vehicle have segmented down into a few smaller controllers and vehicles. Your friend then turns to you with a big shit eating grin on his face and magnanimously announces, "now you can try out my new toy". Pretty nifty idea right?

My idea does sound a little familiar to me as in that it holds similarities to let's say Voltron or Go Bots. But that's pretty much where the similarities end seeing as how I've never seen either of these two brands as radio controlled. It also makes me think of that movie with the Guinea pigs and that cool little pop apart vehicle they had at the end of the movie.
sometimes, when i read your threads, i think "where can i get what hes on?"
other times, its just "dude..." (dont ask me what kind of meaning that has, i dont know either)
lbz5mc12 said:
Your friend then turns to you with a big shit eating grin on his face and magnanimously announces, "now you can try out my new toy". Pretty nifty idea right?
(I just saw Lone Ranger 2012)
what you need is RC scorpions and vampire bunnies. That's the toy, and you be the bunnies, and eat their stingers off. They'll pee their pants trying to get away from you.
sorry off topic. That movie wrecked my mind.
muffinman said:
sometimes, when i read your threads, i think "where can i get what hes on?"
other times, its just "dude..."

......If we do find out what he's on :p order me some too please LoLz :mrgreen:

Sorry I misspoke...those were carnivorous bunnies with a taste for scorpion flesh.
lbz5mc12 said:
Lone Ranger was a pretty good movie, if a little trippy. I think the best thing about this/my idea was the intro narration.
They could be Guinea pigs that eat black widows. Make the red button an hourglass shaped button (HSB). Nah, I like your intro better too after all...
however... actually a big pile of furry things all stuck together, which came apart and ate each other would be fantastic!
You could make them actually bleed and scream.
Example: one Guinea pig is eating a black widow when another black widow jumps on the back of the Guinea pig. Another Guinea pig would race over and eat the second black widow, but in doing so, would bite the back of the first Guinea pig, causing the second Guinea pig to just go on and cannibalize the first Guinea pig.
I'd want to run one spider and one Guinea pig, and I'd eat your guys alive, IBZ