Bafang Ultra G510 - error code 11 & burnt controller

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With my understanding it seems that you solder in a resistor that is half the original size and then adjust the current in the bafang software, but divided by 2.
Software set to 25A -> 50A at the motor
I think Innotrace or Watt Wagons might have spare stock controller boards to sell. For sure Watt Wagons as all their new bikes will be coming with the new controller and I doubt they are shipping the original board to customers.

I need Help!!. I have a bafang ultra g510 mid drive motor and the marked component in the controller is burnt. Do any one know which component is that ? There is no marking on that. How can I check without marking and replace ?

My burnt controller picture here:
Wald - how is your new Innotrace X1 controller?
Do you know if Innotrace X1 is compatible with EggRider V2 display and EggRider App? The App connects to EggRider V2 display via BT and the user can see very nice on line data - actually everything you have on your display plus many more. I like this idea to have small display integrated with buttons for PAS control as I usually have my phone mounted on the bar during the ride so i already have a big display. No need to have two... In addition the display on the phone is much better quality than the stock Bafang displays and you can have navigation as well on the same screen when using your mobile phone.
I can't find the answer if Innotrace X1 (or sellsmen Archon X1 verions) are compatible with the App and EggRider V2 display.

And what about throttle if using EggRider?

I've already sent question to Jurgen (from Exexx bikes) and to EggRider. Waiting for replies.
Not compatible with Eggrider. Watt Wagons is working on an app and alternate display. I assume they are teaming up with Exess, not sure. Requires custom software with cable (or alternate display) to program the motor and there is a per user license fee to fund development. I have the new controller and first ride impressions were very favorable. Motor is much smoother. I got the 2300W version. Anything more than PAS1 feels crazy powerful. I will probably dial it back when the programming cable arrives next month. Only downside so far is lights are not functional (disabled due to transformer interference issues stepping down voltage to 12W for lighting). They are working on a solution.
Thanks Tom!
Anyway i'm not going to buy a single thing form Watt Wagons. I'm not accepting their approach to the Clients. I'm talking about their input on their website, forums, etc when they are trying to make an impression that it's "their product". Archon X1, as far as i know is the controller from german Innotrace. Innotrace is supplying X1 controllers for Exess Bikes (their famous HP-E180). And WW is reselling Exess bike as Travalanche. WW is changing the name just to create impression in the Clients eyes that WW is so good they are launching nice products. They only resells them. Only. Travalanche bike is not their design, not their effort to make. It is Exess HP-e180. I don't like that approach and i have a right for that:D

So i'll wait for Exess to make an App or new firmware for the display.

You've said 2300W is too much. Well i believe you. I think with that amount of power/torque the chain drive will be suffering A LOT and that means substantial costs more frequently. I've ordered EXESS HP-e180 bike together with Innotrace X1 controller 1600W version. For better torque control, better energy efficiency so better range.

But the information that EggRider V2 and thus their nice App is not compatible with X1 is sad information for me:/
I see it more akin to a 3 way partnership with watt wagons making an investment to bring the controller to North America and get UL certification, something neither exess or innotrace was willing or able to do. I don't think app development would have progressed either without WW coming to the table. What other companies stepped up to make this happen? Frey had the controller but was apparently too busy to do anything with it. Who else? Nobody! They are happy offering a piece of shit controller from Bafang that doesn't do the motor justice. So I'm happy to support Watt Wagons (or whoever else steps up) and spread the word. My ride today was mind blowing. I would say the upgrade was worth every penny I spent. If you look more carefully at the other things WW is doing you might have a different impression of the company. If you are in Europe makes more sense to buy from Exess. Hopefully it is a partnership and you benefit from the investment made by customers in North America and vice versa.
I respect your opinion Tom. In my eyes WW is diminishing effort of others and just trying to put WW at the first place. It's not fair. Changing the names and keep talking "we this, we that"... is not fair. 90% of effort was put in development, trial and error, design, controller firmware, frame design, testing, all the investments made... WW was not a part of it but now they are creating impression they were:) If someone is not up to date with the market then will be thinking it is WW the one who invented the controller or bike. It's not simply true. At the end it's all about money and this is the reason for this unfair marketing bulls**t.

If it is true partnership why aren't they keep talking about partnership? They are not highlighting Exess, Innotrace. Instead they keep talking "we this, we that" , "we haven't finished yet". hahhaha

And their battery called "Titan". They are lying!

"Samsung 30Q cells, 52v 21ah 14s6p - 84 cells" - do you know it is not possible? Do you know these cells (Samsung 30Q) have 3000mAh and only when discharged with crazy small current? And in reality not even this.
Check it yourself:

So WW claims this battery has 21 Ah! How? The math i know and nature laws in physics are saying something different. Assuming 3 Ah capacity (now we know it is less, but hey! Let's give WW a chance!:)) 6 cells in parallel gives 18 Ah. Isn't it? The highest measured energy per cell as per the vendor datasheet is 10.6 Wh @ 0.2C discharge ( 3000 mAh * 0.2 = 0.6 A discharge current). What does it mean? It means 84 cells times 10.6 Wh = 890.4 Wh of energy and that much ONLY if you are discharging the battery with 6P * 0.6 A which is 3.6 A. What does it mean? Well it means 3.6 * 52 V (nominal battery voltage, like an average) = 187 W
Only few Customers have Phd. in physics, even less will understand the phenomena behind the numbers and even less Customers are able to figure it out by them self. So i don't like when the seller is lying to bump up the selling numbers! The subject is more complicated and i'll not go into the details here (i.e. let's ask WW what is the max charging voltage per cell and the cut off voltage per cell (DoD is related with this) as these parameters have EXCEPTIONALLY BIG IMPACT on battery life and performance).

So to all Customers planning to buy "Titan" battery from Watt Wagons - be aware that this battery WILL NOT be as good as WW is claiming. Actually is it not possible to make a battery pack of this small size to keep up with the power demand of 2300 W too often. Samsung 30Q cells are well known (check forum - people are testing the cells) to have a pretty LOW CYCLE life if treated like power cell. This is the real problem as using 2300 W quite often (which i think is the reason the Customer wants to pay for this controller:)) will lead to premature battery degradation. And you will see it very soon. If you are riding a lot it will be the same season when you see your battery is getting less capable.
And there is no single word of explanation from WW to make their Customers aware what are they buying and what should they be aware of it term of reliability (cycle life), real capacity (now they are just lying IMHO) and consequences of using this controller 2300 W with such a small battery backs like the Titan (not mentioning the stock battery pack)!
They should be PROPERLY INFORMED about cons BEFORE they take any purchase decision.
I just want them to tell the Customers the truth. Nothing more. Is it too much?


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And here:

when i see the "range comparison" between stock controller and "their" (meaning Innotrace X1) contorller.
If it is on flat terrain at the same speed why there is so big difference between the range for 750 W controller vs 1000 W and 2300 W. All three are riding on flat terrain, right? Same speed, right? :D:D Same battery ("728 Wh"), right? What kind of comparison is it? Yes we can see the difference between the range of stock controller and Innotrace X1 controller (actually this is the reason i picked one). But if someone thinks about the difference in range between different power rating controllers IN THE SAME conditions (as staled below the graph "Range estimated on 52V, 14Ah pack, PAS3, flat terrain, 25-29 mph") then it looks funny:)

If someone is not getting: if you are moving certain mass, at certain speed, at certain profile (here it is flat terrain) you need a certain amount of energy regardless of the motor power:) Tell me why 2300 W rated power motor (actually the motor is the same, the difference is the controller) should need more energy when driving the same mass, at the same speed on the same road? :)
Really unfortunate comparison:D:D


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I wrote something I shouldn't have. I don't wan to personally attack anyone. That is not the way I run my business.

If you have suggestions to make Watt Wagons better, please let me know. I am all ears.

I am learning as we build a great company. Anything you can do to help us improve, I will welcome it.

if you want to support us, tell us what we can do to make it better.

If you care about biking, help us test our controller more, recommend features.

If you want to build a better battery pack, please get in touch .. we want to bring the best to the market.

You did say
They should be PROPERLY INFORMED about cons BEFORE they take any purchase decision.
I just want them to tell the Customers the truth. Nothing more. Is it too much?

That is a great point. I will add that to the battery description. I have been planning to make a video about battery tech as well but the issue is that I am not the right person for that. if someone more informed than me on battery tech can help us make one, we can work out the details.

Edit:removed some words I was not comfortable with.
Buddy, i haven't ordered the controller from you.
Why haven't you answer where that 21 Ah is coming from in your "fanstastic" battery called "Titan"? Samsung 30Q cells WILL NOT PROVIDE that much energy in 14S6P configuration no matter what you do. Simple as that. No matter how much money you put on table.

You haven't replied to my email where i asked you about Titan battery because YOU KNOW that the information on your website is bullshit and not true. Show us real numbers. It's not hard to do it, right? Hoop up some watt meter, do a ride and tell the truth. Why is this a problem? Then correct your advertisement and say "i'm sorry there was a small mistake. Out battery is not so fantastic as we were trying to. You, out dear Customer, will NEVER be able to pull 1100 Wh of energy from our 1100 Wh battery."

I tried to contact you first but you are not replying so i ased here? Surprised? :lol:
Ok if you are citing part of my email, then let's cite all:
"Hi there,
i have a question regarding Titan battery:

As per the web site it is 14S6P battery with 84 pieces of Samsung 30Q cells inside. But then there is information it is 21 Ah battery with 1100 Wh of energy. That is 1100 / 84 = 13.1 Wh per cell. How? These cells doesn't have 13.1 Wh no matter how small discharge current you pick... Even if you "choose" 3.7 V as a "nominal voltage" you will get 13.1 Wh / 3.7 V = 3540 mAh. NO WAY! Impossible. And more: base d on official vendor specs for these cells they are 3000 mAh tested from 4.2 V down to 2.5 V. So what cut off voltage WW is using in this battery? Is it 2.5 V or maybe higher? 2.5 V would be not good and i can't remember any stock battery that is using 2.5 V cut off. If it's higher then there will be even less energy for the Customer use.
So please tell me what is going on here? Where did you get theses specs from? I'm sorry but it looks like a fraud. It way beyond the "commercial true".
Guys, please, clarify that. I'm going to ask that question everywhere until i get the answer based on the truth.
Here you have real tests of Samsung Q30 (but you already know this...)
End of email.

It is extremely convenient to read 2 articles, do some simple math, and post on a forum. It is really hard to appreciate the hard work everyone does to bring new stuff to the market. If you hate us so much, why did you STILL buy the exess bike with "our" controller ??? Where is your integrity ? Cancel your order. But no, you wont... because you waaaaannnnnnt it... right??? :lol:
It's not about hate. Who told you that? Simple math? Apparently you are not even able to fight with this simple math. Tell me your numbers.
and post on a forum
- you are trying to tell me that all these test made on the cells are not true? is lying showing the cells number based on tests? Vendor is lying as well?
It is really hard to appreciate the hard work everyone does to bring new stuff to the market.
It's not, but if someone is trying to fool you?
Again: you are not answering because the battery "specs" on your website are not real one.
You have deleted you post that was showing your real approach. You called me 'buddy', 'troll'. Right?
You've said you are not hiding the fact that Travalanche is Exess. Yes the Exess decals are still on the frame. Maybe it is too expensive to rebrand the bike? Who knows. Call it Exess. Do not create fake pictures in front of peoples eyes. Be fair. Be accurate.
You are selling battery which will never be close to the specs you claim.
When i'm spending my money i want to know what i'm buying. I don't want Fata Morgana. Ok, i want, but not using my money. Give me money and i'll buy 10000 pcs of chinese 18650 cells with 1000000000000mAh of capacity each and i'll not complain. But as long as the CUSTOMER is spending his own money inform him properly what he is buying. No offense. Just truth. I'm engineer. I'm using real numbers. I'm not the seller.

haha you keep deleting your own posts. Show them.
Do you see the part highlihted in yellow? :lol:
You are using Samsung 30Q so 936 Wh - yes, it is nearly 1100 Wh :lo: :lol: :lol: You should write "30000 Wh". Why not? 936 Wh it is nearly 30000 Wh. It is only about the scale, right?
Now i know i have to make the screen shot of every thing you are saying because you are manipulating!
Luna? hehe Have you checked LG MJ1 vs Samsung 30Q? ;lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: They are lying as well. Less scale. You feel better staying in the same row with other liars? :lol:
End of the story.


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Buddy, you still refusing to answer the details about the battery. That's very informative.
bogus105 said:
And here:

when i see the "range comparison" between stock controller and "their" (meaning Innotrace X1) contorller.
If it is on flat terrain at the same speed why there is so big difference between the range for 750 W controller vs 1000 W and 2300 W. All three are riding on flat terrain, right? Same speed, right? :D:D Same battery ("728 Wh"), right? What kind of comparison is it? Yes we can see the difference between the range of stock controller and Innotrace X1 controller (actually this is the reason i picked one). But if someone thinks about the difference in range between different power rating controllers IN THE SAME conditions (as staled below the graph "Range estimated on 52V, 14Ah pack, PAS3, flat terrain, 25-29 mph") then it looks funny:)

If someone is not getting: if you are moving certain mass, at certain speed, at certain profile (here it is flat terrain) you need a certain amount of energy regardless of the motor power:) Tell me why 2300 W rated power motor (actually the motor is the same, the difference is the controller) should need more energy when driving the same mass, at the same speed on the same road? :)
Really unfortunate comparison:D:D

I can answer that pretty easily. I have the 2300W controller and yesterday I rode in PAS 1 most of the day. I didn't get as much of a workout because PAS 1 is more like PAS 3 or higher on the stock controller. At times I resorted to PAS 0 just so I could get my heart rate up. So of course the 2300W version is going to be less efficient than the 750W controller because with the lower watt versions the user has the option to provide more assistance in lower PAS. That said I still got home with at least 50% battery on a ride where I normally have range anxiety getting home before my battery drops below 20%. My mind was blown. I had half the workout, and got significantly more range.

Pushkar, good call walkiing away. This kind of reminds me of the customer that kept spewing ridiculous accusations about Biktrix and Roshan eventually lost it. When running a business never pays to argue online, even when you are in the right.
Thank for the answer Tom.
So of course the 2300W version is going to be less efficient than the 750W controller because with the lower watt versions the user has the option to provide more assistance in lower PAS.
At times I resorted to PAS 0 just so I could get my heart rate up.
Hmmm, if i need to go to PAS0 to bump my heart rate as all other PAS levels are so high in 2300W version then for me it is a bit senseless. It's like having super sport clutch - nothing, nothing and then boom. Nothing in between. Shouldn't it be tuned so you
can still have light grade PAS levels in i.e. ECO mode? Just for normal cruising? You've mentioned (not one time?) you are going to tune it down to 1000W... Apparently PAS levels can be tuned better on 2300W version.

Boys, how about this battery, heh? Sellsman talking or real numbers? Heh? Pushkar is not keen to reveal real numbers. If he can prove his number then i'll say sorry - and it will be the honest sorry!

Go to the shop, buy a PC with 32 GB of RAM and then you will find it is 24 GB installed. Should you be happy and stay quiet? Or you have the right to tell that something is not correct and the right to ask the seller to correct it? So how it is guys? Should i accept the guy fooled me selling 24GB instead of 32 GB i paid, or not? :)
Can't really comment on the batteries, all I know is everything claimed about the new controller was true, and the efficiency gains were conservatively sandbagged (if anything). I loved my Frey CC before, despite her faults, but now I'm falling in love all over again. Life is too short to invest in pettiness on the internet.
pettiness :lol: :lol: I bet you start 'crying' if you see similar pettiness on your payslip one day i.e. if you see USD 936 instead of 'nearly' USD 1100 :lol: Then suddenly the 'pettiness' become 'big story'. But hey, it's only 15 % less.
As previously mentioned: the REAL numbers for Titan battery are visibly worse. Yes, yes - Luna is not fair as well. But you guys don't care. I need to find more customers like you. It's a good business:)
sorry i hit 'submit' two times accidentally...


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Quirkyneo said:
Ok “buddy”.

I’m done talking here. I understand it’s pointless to argue with you.

Sorry I wasted your time and tried to reason.

Good luck with your bike. Exess rides well.

Calling a 963Wh battery ”nearly 1100Wh” is fraudulent. Simple as that.

”Nearly 1000Wh” would be ok. You are skipping an entire digit by ”nearly 1100”.

In EU your actions would be considered fraudulent marketing which would give the customer a right to cancel the trade up to 2 years after the sale.

Fraudster alert on WattWagons! Beware!
From what I have seen Watt Wagons is just trying to offer the best bikes they can. I have watched them grow over the last year and like what I see, there is a lot of passion and ingenuity and great stuff on the way. As I said, who else stepped up to bring the innotrace controller to the US? Who else is offering kindernay? I hadn't really looked at the 1100wh battery spec but OK, it doesn't seem to be accurate (unclear if it's just an issue at high discharge). In any case I don't think it's an intentional misrepresentation. They are growing pretty fast and a lot going on. I'm sure they'll update the numbers if appropriate. They do listen to customer feedback and strive to make their products better. I just don't get the vitrol.
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