Battery for a 5303?


1 mW
Sep 6, 2008
I've got a Crystalyte 5303 rear motor and a 72 volt/40amp controller and was wondering what would be the best battery to get the very most out of my 5303 in terms of speed, power and torque? And where I would be able to buy one. Thank you......
Well, 72v of sla is quite a brick so I assume you don't want to carry 60-80 pounds of battery. Two 20 ah pings in series would do it, but you couldn't use the bms discharging, just to charge seperately at 36v. If you want to risk it on the vendor, you could try a 72v pack, 20 ah from dypower on ebay. You pays your money and you takes your chances with the non ping vendors. We have no real feedback( not the ebay feedback) on him yet. But if you have some money, and don't need huge range, a PSI-BMI-Lifebatt pack would be truly sweet for such a bike. That way you could have a fast short range bike, but could configure it to be a longer range 36v bike when you need that.
large rim, good brakes, chek..

With a 5303 in a 26", 48v is about as much as you need, should get you up to about 45 to 50 km/h on the flats ..

If you go 72v, the no-load speed will be so high that you will never get up to speed and allow the amps to drop at cruising ( i use the term " cruising " lightly, it would be more like leaning forward with wattery eyes and white knuckes ) , it will be constantly drawing 40 amps and heating up the controller...

How big is your budget ?

And how far do you need to go between charges ?
oh, btw... using my Ping 48V 20Ah batt on a 26" x5303, I was able to reach 39mph. I have to accelerate really slowly.. otherwise my BMS cuts in. I wouldn't recommend this kind of speed on a mtn bike tho. my handlebars start shaking around 35mph. I find that 25mph is pretty zippy and comfy, for me.
budget is around 500 euros and I'll be going a max of 15km between charges (steep hills in my area). Thanks Ypedal..........
15 kms.. piece of cake for a 10ah battery pack ( but you need a pack that can put out 40 amps on demand !!! ) ..

500 euros .. that's like 1200 usd or so right ?.. that should get you a 10ah PSI pack..

otherwise you end up with a 20ah+ ping to be able to put out 40 amps.. and the BMS will be a problem on hard acceleration.

Could do SLA, but the bike will be HEAVY !!!.. wooowe.
OK a 10ah PSI pack it is. But what should i go.....

one 36V / 10Ah, one 48V / 10Ah or two 24V / 10Ah in series?

Think the two 24V / 10Ah would be kinder on my credit card. But what would you go for?
dmccart4 said:
OK a 10ah PSI pack it is. But what should i go.....

one 36V / 10Ah, one 48V / 10Ah or two 24V / 10Ah in series?

Think the two 24V / 10Ah would be kinder on my credit card. But what would you go for?

One 48V/10Ah pack has the same number of cells (16) as two 24V/10Ah pack, so it should be somewhat less expensive, not more. In any case, I definitely think you will want the 48V setup, based on your comment about the steep hills. That'll get you roughly 2000W, which should be more than enough power to get up most any hill I've seen.

-- Gary
I might buy one 24v/10ah just to test the setup first, then buy a second 24v/10ah in a month or two when my credit card recovers as its taken quite a beating lately. If

GGoodrum said:
I definitely think you will want the 48V setup, based on your comment about the steep hills. That'll get you roughly 2000W,

So one 24v/10ah should give me roughly 1000w? Which should be enough to test it.
dmccart4 said:
So one 24v/10ah should give me roughly 1000w?

24v is awfully anemic even for a fast 5303 isn't it? It'll want that 40a all the time and use up 10ah in like 15 minutes topping out at what... like 12-15mph... so like 3-4mi range at best? As you say good for testing maybe, but I doubt much else. Then again what the hell do I know I've just got a little slow 4 series. :)

Please do report on performance etc!
Go 48v right from the start.. i assure you . you will not like 24v !!!

That's like taking half the spark plugs out of a porche before a drag race..

Now.. 2 x 24v with 2 chargers is good, if one charger quits, you have a backup, and 2 packs is easier to mount that one big one !
Just looked at the LifeBATT website for prices and they're just a bit too expensive for me. 500 euros converts into 389.13 United Kingdom Pounds at the moment.

One 24v/10ah battery plus charger costs 671.49 euros :(

But I have seen this ( 36 Volt 7.3Ah LiFePO4 battery with charger. They both use LiFePO4 batteries and I could get two of them cheaper than one battery/charger from LifeBATT or are the batteries from LifeBATT better in some way?
The reason folks recomend the lifebatt, or a123, is those cells can do a huge discharge rate, 10c or so for most of em. Unless the 7.5 ah pack is of similar quality, it would kill itself trying to run a 5303. No way can I tell from the page I looked at what the discharge rate for that pack is, but to run a 5303 you need something in the neighborhood of 50-60 amps continuous and more than that for a short burst. The bargiain lifepo4 can't even come close to that in a 7.5 ah sise.
I've only got an 40amp controller will this be a problem if the 5303 is going to need a continuous 50-60 amps?
Your 40 amp controller will limit the current to " roughly " 40 amps.. it's a big more in real life on the battery side but not by much.. the X5's can take more than 40 amps but that is about the right amount of usable power so it's all good.

The crystalyte europe link above is using pictures that look like they were taken from Justin at :| .... the Li packs on that page won't be up to the task of 40 amps...

Headway is another possibility, 10ah like the PSI's but not as expensive... a few guys on here have them and they work ok, better quality than the duct tape cells, but not as good as the PSI/A123... good enough for 40 amps aparently ( i'm waiting on mine for 1st hand testing.. in a month or so )
Sorry I'm not allways so clear in my statements. The battery will need to be able to handle 50-60 amps. The controller is another story. In real life, you may not get close to that 60 amp continuous, especially with a 40amp controller. My point is to get enough battery discharge capacity to cover your motors theoretical maximum. You may get a bigger controller one day, and the litium is supposed to last a long time, if you buy one that can handle what you do with it.
Is a 48v20ah lipo pack with the specs below good enough for a 5303?

Weight: 10Kgs
Charging Voltage: 54.75V
Charging Current: <5 Amps
Rated Discharging Amperage: 30 Amps
Max Continuous Discharging Amperage: 60 Amps
Maximum Discharging Current: 100 Amps(Maybe 80A)
Discharging Cut-off Protection: 60 Amps
That looks like good specs, but you might want to get the bms tweaked to about 70 amps so you don't have cut outs when starting up a hill. Who is the vendor? This is the first time I have seen specs like that on a 20 ah pack. Is it Ping?

If it is a pack made of the 18650 round cells, such as sold by mr lau, I would not expect it to handle an x5.
istboardz , link us to the exact pack you refer to..then we can then give you a better idea of what you are daling with. All packs are not created equal, and people spit out specs like chewing gum.. Fortunately alot of guys on here, me included, have tested many of them and will fill you in.
dogman, tweak the Max Continuous Discharging Amperage or Discharging Cut-off Protection to 70amps?

dogman & Ypedal, the vendor is small local company here in Singapore..i'm not sure what type of cells they r using but i will get more info of the pack.
I've a new 5304 n I'm also interested in a 48v20ah pack but not sure which specs is best.

Experts out there, I need your recommendation.